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chéng xìng
  • by-nature;become sb.'s second nature
成性 [chéng xìng]
  • [by nature;become sb.'s second nature] 形成某种习性、癖好

  • 侵略成性

成性[chéng xìng]
  1. 随着年龄的增长,人就积习成性。

    As people get older , they get set in their ways .

  2. 他已经积习成性,不肯作任何真正的改变。

    He was too set in his ways to make any real changes .

  3. 原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。

    The plaintiff 's sole witness , a gambler and layabout , was easily discredited .

  4. 他撒谎成性。

    He 's a pathological liar .

  5. 这家伙盗窃成性。

    Stealing has become that rascal 's second nature .

  6. 他撒谎成性,没救了。

    He 's a hopeless ( or incorrigible ) liar .

  7. 约翰懒惰成性,不愿工作,又心高气傲,不肯乞讨。

    John was too lazy to work and too proud to beg .

  8. 一个人老是无所事事就会懒散成性。

    Having nothing to do makes one indolent .

  9. 他就是个老饕,贪吃成性。

    He is just a glutton.He is addicted to excessive eating .

  10. 崇敬她大多数的人不会放过每一篇报导她的八卦新闻,甚至在他们的房间中悬挂黛妃的画像,这些人并非都是傲慢成性。

    Most of the people who worshipped her , who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms , were not social snobs .

  11. WisteriaLane上人人都知道,IdaGreenburge爱酒成性,

    It was an accepted fact among the residents of Wisteria Lane that Ida Greenberg liked her liquor .

  12. 重点主要在编码的技术,以处理加成性白色高斯杂讯(AWGN)的通道中进似Shannon极限、其效能的分析与设计原理。

    The focus is on coding techniques for approaching the Shannon limit of additive white Gaussian noise ( AWGN ) channels , their performance analysis , and design principles .

  13. 相传苏格兰有一个叫SawneyBean的残暴食人族,他们杀人成性,在苏格兰西南海岸杀了至少1000号人,大饱口福。

    The legend goes that a sadistic cannibal by the name of Sawney Bean and his clan murdered and feasted on at least 1000 people while hiding out in a cave on a beach on the southwestern coast of Scotland .

  14. 扮演残忍成性的典狱长诺顿(Norton)的冈顿说,彩排时,我们会闹着玩儿,兴奋地互相对视,很高兴我们都参演了这部电影。

    During rehearsal , ' We were joking around and looking at each other in joyful wonder that we all ended up in this movie , ' said Mr. Gunton , who played the sadistic Warden Norton .

  15. 俄罗斯仍在支持杀戮成性的叙利亚巴沙尔阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)政权,拒绝认真开展进一步削减核武器的行动,并且在大部分时间里表现得就好像世界仍在冷战中一样。

    Russia continues to sustain the murderous regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria , has refused to seriously engage about further nuclear weapons reductions and acts for much of the time as if the world is still living through the cold war .

  16. 这位虔诚的斯韦特就会把原因归之于懒惰成性或者缺乏才能。

    The pious Sweater would attribute it to idleness or incapacity .

  17. 他是美洲最残酷成性的黑帮头目。

    He was the most sadistic cartel leader in the Americas .

  18. 一个柔弱的文明对那些掠夺成性的自由人来说是一份长期有效的请帖。

    A servile civilization is a standing invitation to predatory free men .

  19. 接着他酗酒成性,身上的骨头也不断出现断裂情况。

    The liquor flowed , and the bones kept breaking .

  20. 控制成性的官员们甚至对儿童讽刺作品和笑话都加以查禁。

    Control-obsessed officials have suppressed even childish satire and jokes .

  21. 他欺骗成性,真令人讨厌,人人都上过他的当。

    His deceit is disgusting ; he took everybody in .

  22. 他偷窃成性成了让人无法容忍的害人精。

    He was becoming an insufferable pest with his stealing .

  23. 人们说他是一个嗜血成性的恶棍。

    He was quoted as being a bloodthirsty rascal .

  24. 爱尔兰教师因“嗜酒成性”遭拒

    Irish Teacher Denied Job Due to " Alcoholism "

  25. 二十三年之后,贪婪成性的戈登·盖柯回来了。

    TWENTY-THREE years after he first championed greed , Gordon Gekko is back .

  26. 你是不是酗酒成性了?

    Do you have some kindof problem with alcohol ?

  27. 有些人已嗜烟嗜酒成性。

    Some people are abdicated to smoking and drinking .

  28. 由于他懒惰成性,他母亲大为生气。

    His mother is rather angry at his laziness .

  29. 那时他才意识到这一切都是对他贪婪成性的惩罚,便开始大哭起来。

    Now he recognized the punishment for his greed and began to cry aloud .

  30. 我试图戒酒,但是没用我已嗜酒成性了。

    I tried giving up drinking but it was no use-i was an alcoholic .