
  • 网络Adult Fairy Tales;fables
  1. 我们观赏的最后一场演出是《老少咸宜的格林童话》(GrimmTalesforYoungandOld),它基于菲利普·普尔曼(PhilipPullman)由经典改编并于去年在美国出版的成人童话。

    The final play we saw , " Grimm Tales for Young and Old , " was based on Philip Pullman 's adaptation of the classic stories , which was published as a book for adults in the United States last year .

  2. 从而为我们营造了一个美丽的成人童话,让我们沉浸在一种理想的光辉之中。

    So it constructed a beautiful adult tale for us and let us be immersed in a kind of ideal shining glory .

  3. 2014年的音乐剧《魔法黑森林》就是由(格林童话中)的“杰克与豆茎”、“灰姑娘”、“小红帽”、以及“长发姑娘”四个故事汇集而成的讽刺成人童话。

    The 2014 musical drama Into the Woods , for example , combined the stories of Cinderella , Rapunzel , Little Red Riding Hood , and Jack and the Beanstalk to create an ironic tale that would appeal to adults .