
  • 网络Invasion of Cambodia;Kampuchea
  1. 我再说一次,越南入侵柬埔寨问题是中苏关系的主要障碍。

    I will say it once again : the Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea constitutes the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations .

  2. 为什么越南入侵柬埔寨时你不给柬埔寨调配军队呢?

    Why was there no deployment of troops when Vietnam invaded Cambodia ?

  3. 侵犯例句他们对我们入侵柬埔寨感到愤慨。

    They were outraged by our incursion into Cambodia .

  4. 1978年,越南入侵柬埔寨,美国颁布了一项针对新越南政府的禁运政策。

    Vietnam invaded in1978 and the US instituted an embargo on the new Vietnamese-sponsored government .

  5. 他寻求将罪责归咎于越南。越南在1978年入侵柬埔寨并在一年后推翻了红色高棉政权。

    He sought to shift the blame to Vietnam , which invaded Cambodia in1978 and toppled the Khmer Rouge regime a year later .

  6. 两国之间原来设想的战略合作,特别是鉴于越南入侵柬埔寨和苏联入侵阿富汗,这种设想尤为突出,但却从未实现过。

    But the strategic cooperation both countries envisaged , particularly in light of the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia and the Soviet occupation of afghanistan , never materialized .

  7. 1978年底越南入侵柬埔寨,使得各强权间的权力角逐升到沸点,也是介入联合国解决柬埔寨问题的起点。

    Competition among great powers reached the boiling point when Vietnam invaded Cambodia in the end of1978 , which was the starting point for the UN to look for a resolution to Cambodian question .