
  • 网络Incoming Radiation;the incident radiation
  1. 因而一个系统的吸收率就是被系统吸收的入射辐射的份额。

    Thus the absorption of a system is the fraction of the incident radiation which is absorbed by the system .

  2. 在大部分遥感、这一过程包括相互作用的入射辐射和目标的多种兴趣。

    In much of remote sensing , the process involves an interaction between incident radiation and the targets of interest .

  3. 直接由粒子复折射率、粒径及入射辐射波长等基本参数,根据Mie散射理论确定粒子系的吸收、散射因子以及非规则的各向异性散射分布。

    By the Mie scattering theory , the absorptive and scattering properties of the particles are directly predicted from the basic parameters such as the complex refractive index , the particle diameter and the wavelength of the irradiation .

  4. 半透明平板边界入射辐射热流密度的反问题

    Inverse problem of boundary incident radiation heat flux in semitransparent planar slab

  5. 采用离散坐标法计算一维平行入射辐射问题

    Solving 1-D collimated irradiation problems by the discrete ordinate method

  6. 从能量传输方程入手,推导出地表入射辐射通量密度的简便计算公式;

    This paper deduces a simple formula for computing the incidence radiant flux density .

  7. 不同的消光观测资料说明,吸收系数对于波长、雪深以及入射辐射强度具有选择性。

    Various extinction observations indicate that the absorption coefficient depends on the wavelength , snow depth and the incident radiation intensity .

  8. 被考虑的两种入射辐射为垂直于边界面的入射和边界表面的表面辐射。

    Two types of incident radiation are considered , namely , the radiation normal to the boundaries and the diffuse radiation .

  9. 其对入射辐射的波谱选择作用,主要通过调节施加在液晶结构上的电场及其空间分布实现。

    The wavelength selection of incident radiation is realized through modulating the magnitude and spatial distribution of electric field applied over LC structure .

  10. 太阳入射辐射总量的计算与地球轨道参数对气候变化辐射项的影响

    Calculating total amount of incoming solar radiation and the influence of the earth 's orbital parameters on the radiation term in climatic change

  11. 提出了一种由一侧边界出射辐射强度反演另一侧边界入射辐射热流密度的方法。

    An inverse method is presented for estimating the unknown boundary incident radiation heat flux in semitransparent planar slab with transparent boundaries from the knowledge of the radiation intensities exiting the boundaries .

  12. 本文提出了一种在介质辐射特性已知的条件下,由壁面入射辐射热流的测量值反演燃烧室内三维温度场的方法。

    An inverse method is presented for estimating the unknown three dimensional temperature field in furnace of known radiative properties from the experimented values of the incident radiation heat flux at the boundaries .

  13. 曝光效率直接影响后续探测器单元的曝光时间及入射辐射信号,与探测器信号读出时刻共同影响探测器有效积累电荷的均匀性;

    Results show that chopper 's exposure efficiency directly affects detector pixels ' exposure time and incident radiation , and affects the detector pixels ' effective accumulated charge 's uniformity with detector 's signal readout time coordinately .

  14. 此外,短波入射辐射强度值的86%左右将被0&5cm表层所吸收,仅约14%可以透入深层。

    In addition , about 86 % of the shortwave incident radiation is absorbed by the snow layer from surface to the depth of 5 cm , and only about 14 % of that can penetrate into the deeper snow layers .

  15. 按照成像的流程把大气效应的入射辐射与表面反射分开考虑,得到了气象参数与物体表面辐照度的关系,以及气象参数与成像对比度和分辨率的关系。

    The effects can be divided into two parts , incidence irradiance and reflecting radiance , according to the flow of imaging . Therefore , the relationship of weather parameters and surface irradiance is got , as well as image contrast and resolution .

  16. 然而早期的遥感应用,通常假定物体反射表面是朗伯反射,认为反射辐射强度、反射方向与入射辐射方向无关,在各方向上均匀分布。

    However , early applications of remote sensing are usually assumed that the object surface is a Lambert . It is uniformly distributed in all directions and the intensity of reflected radiation , reflection direction are nothing to do with the direction of incident radiance .

  17. 同时烟雾层使到达兰州地面的大气逆辐射比南山顶增加5.2%,总的入射辐射比南山顶小5.6%,地面辐射差额比南山顶小67.8%。

    The smog layer causes the counter radiation reaching Lanzhou surface 5.2 % more than that of the South-mountain , total incoming radiation is 5 . 6 % less than that of the South-mountain , and surface radiation balance is 67 . 8 % less than that of the South-mountain .

  18. HJ-1A卫星CCD相机入射光谱辐射亮度的分析

    The Incident Spectral Radiance of HJ-1A Satellite CCD Camera

  19. 观测的基本结果是:(1)近地面1.8m高度处以北风为主,风速大多低于2m/s,正午入射太阳辐射约700W/m2;

    Main findings are as follows . Firstly , the site is characterized by north wind with a velocity usually less than 2 m / s at a height of 1.8 m. Incident solar radiation is around 700 W / m ~ ( 2 ) at noon .

  20. 不是反射或传输而是将入射的辐射能量保留的一种物理过程。

    The physical process in which incident radiated energy is retained without reflection or transmission .

  21. 关于帕斯奎尔稳定度类别的云量判别及入射太阳辐射量判别方法的研究

    A study on the relationship between cloud amount and incoming solar radiation in Pasquill stability categories

  22. 任意地形实际天气条件下小时入射短波辐射模型&以黑河流域为例

    Hourly Incident Solar Radiation Model under Actual Weather and Terrain Conditions : A Case Study in Heihe River Basin

  23. 基于DEM的山区入射潜在太阳辐射模拟

    Simulation of Incoming Potential Solar Radiation in Mountainous Areas Based on DEM

  24. 给出非均匀分层、各层各异非球形粒子随机介质在脉冲波入射下矢量辐射传输方程(VRT)的Mueller矩阵解,数值模拟了极化后向散射。

    The Mueller matrix solution of vector radiative transfer for inhomogeneous random media of non spherical scatterers under a pulse incidence is presented . Co polarized and cross polarized bistatic scattering echoes can be numerically simulated .

  25. 在给定温度下,对于所有波长和入射方向黑体辐射功率最大。

    This radiator has , for any wavelength and any direction , the maximum spectral concentration of radiance at a given temperature .

  26. 根据国内、外山地太阳辐射研究进展,研究利用ARC/INFOAML开发出山地入射潜在太阳辐射模型,实现对地面所获得太阳辐射量的数值模拟。

    According to the development of mountainous solar radiation study in domestic and overseas , this paper simulate the solar radiation received on surface through the incoming potential solar radiation model developed by ARC / INFO AML .

  27. 焦平面红外探测器接收到入射的红外辐射后,产生一个与红外辐射强度有关的电压波动,通过扫描焦平面阵列的不同像素单元按顺序传送到读出器件中读出小的电压信号。

    The focal plane infrared detector generates an incident voltage fluctuations after receiving infrared incident radiation at the incident position in the infrared radiation . By scanning the different pixel units of focal plane array the small voltage signals are sent to the device to read out .

  28. 通过调试,本文中基于matlab语言编写的MonteCarlo模拟程序可以模拟计算辐射垂直入射到具有一定辐射参数和厚度的一维无限大平板(由颗粒系组成的介质层)后的透过率、反射率等。

    By testing , a Monte Carlo programme in matlab language is fulfilled to determine the transmittance , reflectivity and absorptivity , through a 1-dimension infinite flat ( a media layer being consist of particle system ) with certain radiation parameters and thickness .

  29. 根据农田冬小麦群体CO2同化速率系统的试验观测资料分析了:(1)冬小麦群体光合速率与冠层入射光合有效辐射PAR的关系,以及各生育期的光饱和现象;

    Based on the field experiment systemic data of population CO2 assimilation rate of winter wheat , the analyses includes : a. The relationship between photosynthetic rate and population photosynthetic Active Radiation ( PAR ) above the canopy , and the light saturation point of each stage .

  30. 设计了适用于红外光功率测量,垂直于入射光束的低温辐射计平面窗口。

    A plane window suitable for infrared window transmittance measurement is designed , whose window direction perpendicular to the incident beam .