
  • 网络ScreenShot;screen capture;HyperSnap-DX
  1. 屏幕截图显示Jupiter在Eclipse环境中对代码问题的分析

    Screenshot shows Jupiter 's analysis of problems in code within an Eclipse environment

  2. 屏幕截图显示Eclipse中的Jupiter插件带有一条代码注释

    Screenshot shows Jupiter in Eclipse with a code annotation

  3. 图2显示WindowsServices面板的一个屏幕截图。

    Figure 2 shows a screen capture of the Windows Services panel .

  4. 如下面屏幕截图所示,数据库管理在Services标签下可以找到。

    The database management is located in the Services tab as seen on the screenshot .

  5. 以下屏幕截图显示带默认设置的ContentStore首选项页面。

    The following screenshot shows the content store preference page with the default settings .

  6. 基于GPS坐标列出文章结果的index页面的屏幕截图

    Screen capture of an index page listing article results based on the GPS coordinates

  7. 下面是我们为InsuranceP&C内容包开发的仪表板的一些屏幕截图。

    Below are some screen shots of the dashboard we developed for the Insurance P & C content pack .

  8. 多数Linux发行版都提供了若干个屏幕截图工具。

    Most Linux distributions have several screen-capture tools .

  9. 本文中的屏幕截图是使用IBM产品的以下版本生成的

    The screen captures in this article were taken using the following versions of IBM products

  10. 可以从邮件外观获取MailRules图标的屏幕截图并使用该符号。

    You can steal a screenshot of the Mail Rules icon from the mail outline and use that symbol .

  11. 在这个屏幕截图中,密匙对idrsa-gsg-keypair和安全组default被选中。

    In this screen capture , the key pair id_rsa-gsg-keypair and the security group default are selected .

  12. 用Delphi实现屏幕截图送剪贴板

    Using Delphi to Send Screen Sectional Drawing to a Clipboard

  13. 本文还将在必要时提供图形IBMKeyManagement工具/MQExplorer和命令行示例的屏幕截图。

    Screenshots of both the graphical IBM Key Management tool / MQ Explorer , and command-line examples , are provided where appropriate .

  14. 使用Linux屏幕截图工具

    Using Linux screen-capture tools

  15. GoogleBase已完成的SimpleXML搜索结果的屏幕截图,搜索的是California州的productmanager工作

    Screen capture of the results a completed SimpleXML search of Google Base for product manager jobs in California

  16. 如上述屏幕截图所示,架构的结构在XML分析器和XML编写器步骤中是不同的。

    As in the screenshots above , the structure of the schemas is different in the XML parser and XML composer steps .

  17. 下列屏幕截图显示了在默认情况下打开Summary视图时,该视图所显示的摘要和时序信息。

    The following screenshot shows the summary view as it is opened by default with the summary and timing information shown .

  18. 595-1上一个LPAR的历史CPU使用情况图的屏幕截图

    Screen shot of a Historical CPU usage graph for an LPAR on595-1

  19. 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们可以在ContentStore视图中看到在报表条目下运行的报表的日志。

    In the screenshot below we can see the log of the report that was just run underneath the report entry in the content store view .

  20. 比较Android和iPhone移动设备上的新CSS功能的屏幕截图

    Screen capture comparison of new CSS capabilities on Android and iPhone mobile devices

  21. UI的屏幕截图,带有一个消息文本框、Send按钮和聊天记录列表

    Screen capture of UI with a message text box , Send button , and list of chat items

  22. 使用以上的XML文件,下面的屏幕截图会显示该结构实例的内存映射,如下所示。

    Using the XML file above , the screen capture below shows the memory map rendering an instance of this structure , shown below .

  23. GoogleBuzz人员搜索的结果的屏幕截图,带有三个样例项

    Screen capture of the result of a Google Buzz person search with three sample entries

  24. IBMCognosViewer中的报表输出如下屏幕截图所示。

    The report output in IBM Cognos Viewer is illustrated by the following screen capture .

  25. 显示如何在OAT中停止/启动服务器的屏幕截图

    Screenshot showing how to stop or start a server in OAT

  26. 为595-1上的一个LPAR生成历史报告的屏幕截图

    Screen shot of generating a historical report for an LPAR on595-1

  27. pivot表的屏幕截图,带有文件中初始格式化的数据

    Screen capture of pivot table with data as originally formatted in the file

  28. Destiny截取了制造规范表单的一幅屏幕截图并将其保存为一个图像文件。

    Destiny takes a screen capture of the manufacturing specification form and saves it as an image file .

  29. 带有标题、摘要、地址和URL字段,以及'AddArticle'按钮的文章输入表单的屏幕截图

    Screen capture of an article input form with title , summary , address , and URL fields plus'Add Article'button

  30. MyHome中的watchlist的屏幕截图,显示了正在查看一个标记

    Screen capture of a watchlist in My Home , showing a tag being watched