
  • 网络Shielding Room;shielded room;screen room;screened room
  1. 用钴(Co)基非晶合金制作的磁屏蔽室

    A Magnetic Shielding Room Made of Co Base Non crystalline Alloy

  2. 三防屏蔽室的结构及工艺设计

    The Structure and Craft Design of Three-defended Shielding Room

  3. 应用MagNet软件设计并制作出了磁屏蔽室,测得其泄漏磁场小于1%,基本达到设计要求。

    Design the structure of magnetism screened room by using MagNet .

  4. 我们建立了一套基于高温超导量子干涉仪(SQUID)的可靠的、经济型的单通道心磁图(MCG)系统,该系统在一个简易的磁屏蔽室(MSR)中运行。

    We have constructed a reliable and economical single-channel magnetocardiogram ( MCG ) system based on high-T_c SQUIDs operated in a simply magnetically shielded room ( MSR ) .

  5. 在对南京大学20Mev电子直线加速器实验室设计中:1.采用了局部铅屏蔽室,使有用束外的初级x线减弱至10~(-4)左右。

    We adopt the partial shield lead cell , so that the primary X-ray outside the useful beam decreases to about 10 ~ ( - 4 ) .

  6. 屏蔽室对磁场屏蔽效能的三维有限元计算分析

    Magnetic Field Shielding Analysis of Shielded Cell with 3D Finite Element Method

  7. 低本底γ屏蔽室的新设计

    A New Design of the Low r Background Shield Room

  8. 接地电阻大小对屏蔽室屏蔽效能没有影响。

    The grounding resistance not affect the shielding effectiveness of the shielding enclosure .

  9. 每一个进入屏蔽室的电路都必须配备一个滤波器。

    An electrical filter is required for every circuit entering the MRI room .

  10. 第一次爆炸将反应堆的屏蔽室炸飞了。

    The first explosion tore the reactor vault apart .

  11. 高性能屏蔽室屏蔽效能的测量方法。

    Measurement of shielding effectiveness of high-performance shielding enclosures .

  12. 环境调节系统负责向屏蔽室持续提供符合测试要求的、保持恒定温度和湿度的洁净空气。

    Purified air at certain temperature and humidity was provided by the circumstance modulator .

  13. 建立了工况可调电磁屏蔽室,实现了供电供水及大范围温湿度可调。

    A climatic conditioning shielding room is installed to provide adjustable temperature and humidity .

  14. 工况可调屏蔽室的建立与应用

    Installation and Application of a Climatic-conditioning Shielding Room

  15. 屏蔽室性能的测量

    Measurement of the Capability of Shielding Chamber

  16. 此外,论文对未来改进的屏蔽室测试方法和发展的趋势作了简单的探讨。

    Further , this paper discussed improving and developing on the electromagnetic shielding enclosure in the future work .

  17. 屏蔽室的建造水平及吸波材料的安装方式直接影响着电波暗室的性能。

    Construction level of shielding chamber and installation method of absorbing material can directly influence performance of anechoic chamber .

  18. 利用屏蔽室壁面的标准测试窗口测量孔缝泄漏及材料的屏蔽效能

    A Method for Measuring the Leak Through Aperture and the Material 's Shielding Effectiveness by the Standard Window in Shielding Enclosure

  19. 介绍半电波暗室建造中,组合式屏蔽室及吸波材料的工艺技术要求。

    This paper introduces technical requirements to modular shielding chamber and absorbing material in the process of constructing a semi-anechoic chamber .

  20. 合理地设计和安装接地装置对无线电实验室、电磁兼容实验室以及电磁屏蔽室等具有十分重要的意义。

    It is important to design and fix the earthing set rightly for radio laboratory , EMC laboratory or electromagnetic shielded enclosure .

  21. 磁屏蔽室是一种提供弱磁环境&零磁空间的有效方法。

    The magnet - ic shielding room is an effective means of providing an environment for weak magnetism & zero magnetism space .

  22. 屏蔽室是将整个机房屏蔽起来,防止电磁能量以辐射和传导的形式发射;

    The shielded enclosure is to shield the whole computer room to prevent electromagnetic energy from being emitted in forms of radiation and conduction .

  23. 本文介绍一种组合式方形铅屏蔽室的新设计,用作同轴型高纯锗探测器的屏蔽室。

    A new square lead shield room has been introduced in this article . It is used as the shield room of coaxial high-purity germanium detector .

  24. 详细描述了在屏蔽室测量和频谱分析仪动态测量两种插入损耗测试的方法;

    The two good methods of the testing in screen room and the dynamic test in frequency spectrum analysis meter for insertion loss are described in detail .

  25. 为了减少无线电干扰对测试准确度的影响,长期以来测试需在屏蔽室中进行。

    For removing the effects of interference on the accuracy of test results , many tests must be carried out in a shielded room for a long time past .

  26. 本文介绍了某屏蔽室空调系统设计标准、设计特点和安装要求。

    The design standard , design characteristics and installation requirement of air condition in a electromagnetic shielding meeting room are presented , and the system is detected and is debugged .

  27. 本文介绍了这个磁屏蔽室的技术性能、材料和装置及测量结果等情况。

    In this paper , the technical features of this room , the materials and equipments used , and the results of measurements inside the magnetic shielding room are described .

  28. 制作了3种绝缘缺陷模型,在双层屏蔽室中对这3种模型进行了实验,取得了大量的放电样本数据。

    Three kinds of insulation defect model were made , many tests on these models were conducted in a double-layer shielding chamber and a large amount of discharging sample data were obtained .

  29. 通过对采用数码涡旋空调系统的屏蔽室室内各项空气和屏蔽指标的测试,根据使用情况和得到的测试数据,该空调系统完全满足屏蔽室的使用要求。

    According to the test results of the index qf air and shielding for shield room with digital scroll air conditioning system , this system is satisfied with the requirement of shield room completely .

  30. 屏蔽室通风空调系统设计和安装既要满足现行通风空调规范,又要达到电磁屏蔽室的国标、国军标规范关于电磁屏蔽室制作安装的规范要求。

    The design and installation of ventilation and air conditioning system for shield meeting room must meet not only the existing ventilation air conditioning standard but also related national standard and national army standard .