
  • 网络Conducted emission
  1. 基于Saber进行传导发射的FFT仿真分析方法

    FFT Simulation Analysis of Conducted Emission Based on Saber

  2. 计算机电磁波辐射泄漏一类传导发射,通过电源线和信号线辐射;

    One kind of electromagnetic radiation leakage of computers is conducted emission , with radiation through power wires and signal lines ;

  3. 浅谈EMC试验中的射频传导发射试验

    The introduction of radio-frequency conduction and emission experiment of EMC experiment

  4. 基于EMC传导发射测量的光传输系统

    Optical transmit system for electromagnetic test field

  5. VDE0871/0875和MILSTD461A两种标准的传导发射极限的比较

    A comparison between conducted emission limits of VDE 0871 / 0875 and MIL STD 416A

  6. TEMPEST技术的目的是控制、抑制那些危及工作任务安全的非功能性电磁发射(传导发射和辐射发射),防止涉密电磁信息泄漏。

    TEMPEST technique is used to control electromagnetic emission ( transmitting and radiation ), which is not functional and may threaten working task , to keep electromagnetic information from leaking .

  7. 讨论了抑制电磁泄漏辐射与传导发射的方法以及测试的相关问题。

    The protection methods of radiation emission and its measurements are discussed .

  8. 反激式开关电源共模传导发射模型的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Common-mode EMI Model of a Flyback Switch Mode Converter

  9. 产品研发过程电磁兼容传导发射预测试方法

    Method Study on EMC Conduction Emission Pre-test during Research and Development of Product

  10. 弧焊设备网侧电流谐波和传导发射的抑制技术

    Suppression technology of input current harmonic and conducted electro-magnetic emission for arc welding equipment

  11. 船用大电流设备电源线传导发射测试方法研究

    Testing Methods of Power Leads Conducted Emissions of Ship Equipments Working in High Current

  12. 测试结果表明:经过电磁兼容设计后的气压高度表在电源线传导发射和电场辐射发射两个方面都符合国家标准。

    The test results shows that the EMC of barometric altimeter have passed the nation criterion .

  13. 其测试诊断步骤依序为:传导发射测试、辐射辐射测试、共模电流测量和机箱泄漏检查。

    The testing processes are testing of conductive transmit and radiant transmit , testing of common-mode current and detecting divulgation in turn .

  14. 文中最后给出了三阶驱动电路与其它几种不同驱动电路开通与关断时的电压电流波形及相应的传导发射。

    Turn on and turn off switching waveforms and conduct emission for the novel drive circuit and other drive circuit were given .

  15. 该文在电源线传导发射测试的基础上对测量不确定度在电磁兼容测试中的影响进行了统计分析。

    Based on the conducted emission measurements for the power line , the measurement uncertainties which affect the Electro Magnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) test are analyzed .

  16. 全文分传导发射、辐射发射、传导敏感度和辐射敏感度四部分阐述,本篇为第一部分。

    Four parts ( conducted emission , radiation emission , conducted susceptibility and radiation susceptibility ) were included in this paper , this section is the first part .

  17. 本文对典型的干扰源&开关电源的传导发射频谱进行了分析,并介绍了降低传导干扰的设计方法。

    Conducted spectrum of switched power sources , a typical interference source , is analyzed in this paper , and the design techniques have been introduced to minimize conducted interference .

  18. 本文介绍了某雷达机柜电磁兼容设计的接地设计,目的是抑制传导发射,以使该项电磁兼容性指标能够满足国军标151-97的要求。

    In order to restrict the conduction and emmission , consequently actuate the EMC index to reach the GJB 151-97 , this essay introduces the grounding design of a certain radar shelf EMC .

  19. 介绍在雷达机柜设计中,如何进行电磁屏蔽、接地、滤波的设计,以达到抑制传导发射和辐射发射的目的,从而使各项测试指标达到国军标的要求。

    This article introduces a design method for a subsystem of a radar , in order to restrain the conductive radiation and to reach the requirements of the electromagnetic emission and susceptibility requirements for military equipment and subsystems .

  20. 表面传导电子发射显示(SED)是新近开发的一种平板超薄显示器。

    The surface-conduction electron-emitter display ( SED ) just is the flat panel display which is empoldered recently .

  21. 本文介绍了表面传导电子发射(SCE)显示技术,提出Bi2O3/C/Cu结构的双薄膜型SCE阴极,并对其制备工艺和发射性能进行讨论。

    A novel type of bi-layer structured ( Bi_2O_3 / C / Cu ) cathode with nano-scale gap has been successfully developed for fabrication of the surface conduction electron emitter display ( SCE ) .

  22. 一种新型的基于隧穿效应的表面传导电子发射显示器

    An innovative display : surface-conduction electron-emitter display based on tunneling effect

  23. 电形成电压波形对表面传导电子发射显示器电学特性的影响

    Effect of Electroforming Voltage Waveform on Electrical Characteristics of Surface-Conduction Electron-Emitter Display

  24. 表面传导场发射结构聚焦效果的研究

    Research of focus performance in a Surface-conduction field emission structure

  25. 新型空气传导声发射传感器的灵敏度分析

    An analysis of sensitiveness of air-conducted acoustic emission sensor

  26. 一种新型的表面传导电子发射阴极

    Development of Surface Conduction Electron Emitter Display Cathode

  27. 功率因数校正电路杂散磁场对传导干扰发射作用的分析研究

    Analysis on the EMI effect of stray magnetic field from main circuit of a PFC switched mode power supply

  28. 详细介绍了电焊机产品工作时产生的电磁骚扰包括:谐波电流发射、传导骚扰发射和辐射骚扰发射三方面的内容。

    It introduces the electromagnetic disturbance produced by electric welding machine on the work in detail , including harmonic current emission , conduction disturbance emission and radiation disturbance emission .

  29. 通过对发射电流的Ⅰ-Ⅴ关系做仔细的数学分析,可以对液相制备的类金刚石薄膜的电子传导和发射机制有一个深入了解。

    By careful analysis of the mathematical form of the current-voltage dependence of the emission , insight into the conduction and emission mechanisms in the liquid-deposited DLC films can be obtained .

  30. 针对比较严重的传导骚扰发射,设计了一种电源线电磁干扰抑制滤波器,结果表明,使用滤波器后弧焊电源的传导骚扰发射大大降低,可以达到标准的要求。

    A power input line equipped EMI filter is designed to suppress the conducted emission . Experimental results indicated that EMI filter can reduce conduced emission of arc welding power source and meet the requirement of international standards .