
  1. 并将移动IP与传统路由协议进行比较,明确定义其在网络中的作用。

    It compares and contrasts Mobile IP with traditional routing protocols to clearly define its role in the network .

  2. 由于网络拓扑的动态性和无线链路的多跳性,传统路由协议不能保证adhoc网络的安全。

    Because of the dynamic behaviours . and the wireless multi-hop link , traditional routings protocol can 't ensure the security of mobile ad hoc networks .

  3. 传统路由协议不能有效地用于无线传感器网络,因而人们研究了众多的无线传感器网络路由协议。

    Therefore many routing protocols for wireless sensor networks are studied .

  4. 传统路由协议的性能指标主要基于路由跳数、延迟和吞吐量。

    The performance parameters of traditional routing protocols are routing hops , delay and throughput .

  5. 网络编码让中间节点负责对数据的计算加工功能,极大了突破了传统路由协议的弱点。

    Network coding allows intermediate nodes responsible for computing and processing data , so it can greatly breakthrough the weakness of traditional routing protocols .

  6. 仿真结果显示该路由协议在平均分组递交率和路由协议开销等方面要优于传统路由协议。

    The simulation results indicate that the performances of the protocol in packet delivery ratio and routing overhead are better than the conventional routing protocol .

  7. 由于在自组网中随着节点移动,网络拓扑结构会频繁变化,传统路由协议将不再适合这种网络,因此移动自组网的路由选择问题成为了研究的一个核心问题。

    The topology of ad hoc network may change frequently due to the movement of the nodes . Therefore , traditional routing protocols are not suitable for ad hoc network , and research of routing protocols in such network has become a core problem .

  8. 但在深空通信、空天信息网络、灾难救援等网络环境下,由于通信环境恶劣,链路频繁中断导致端到端路径不一定存在,传统路由协议无法有效运行。

    However , due to poor communication environment in deep space communications , aerospace and information network , disaster relief network environment , the link frequent interruption leading to end-to-end path does not necessarily exist , and the traditional routing protocols cannot work effectively .

  9. 同时,计算机仿真结果表明,相对于传统路由协议,区域标记交换体制下的路由协议具有较短的路由收敛时间和较少的路由开销,并具有良好的扩展性。

    The simulation results also show that differing form traditional routing protocols , the one in RCLS networks can not only shorten the period of becoming stable for routing tables when the topology of the network changes , but largely lessen link bandwidth and processor overhead for maintaining these entries .

  10. 本文阐述了传统IP路由协议存在的问题。

    This paper first expounds the problem existed with classical IP routing protocol .

  11. 传统IP路由协议中最短路径优先的路由模式容易导致较短路径上产生拥塞,而其它链路相对空闲。

    The shortest-path-first routing mode in traditional IP routing protocols easily leads to create congestion in the hot-spot links , and relatively leisure of other links .

  12. 由于adhoc网络的动态拓扑结构,传统的路由协议性能无法满足这种环境下的工作。

    Ad hoc network as dynamic topology structure , the traditional routing protocols can not meet the performance of work under this environment .

  13. 由于adhoc网络所固有的特性,传统的路由协议以及安全机制不能简单的应用在adhoc网络上。

    Because of all the specialities of Ad Hoc networks , that traditional routing protocol and security mechanism can not be simply applied in Ad Hoc networks .

  14. 实验结果表明,在车载传感器网络中POR协议的性能优于传统DTN路由协议。

    The simulation results show POR outperforms traditional DTN routing protocols in VSN .

  15. 然后,利用OPNET网络仿真软件对选优能量路由协议进行了仿真设计,而且将该协议从单个节点生命期和网络能量消耗两个方面与传统能量路由协议进行了对比。

    Secondly , we use the network simulation software OPNET to design the excellent-choosing energy routing protocol . We process the simulation from the lifetime of the single node and the whole network .

  16. 由于传统的路由协议不能很好地适应快速变化的拓扑结构,许多新的MPRN路由算法被提出来。

    Traditional routing protocols are not suitable for the frequently changing topology , so many new protocols are proposed in recent years .

  17. GMPLS中的路由协议用于解决网络拓扑发现及对信令消息的路由问题,同时对传统的路由协议进行了扩展,在传统路由协议功能基础上增加了流量工程能力。

    The routing protocol of GMPLS is used to resolve the problem of network topology discovery and routing for signaling message . And GMPLS extends the traditional routing protocol to enhance traffic-engineering capability .

  18. 但是无线传感器网络中的节点往往带宽和能量有限、计算和存储能力较弱,传统无线路由协议不能满足无线传感器网络的需求。

    Because of the limited bandwidth and energy , weak computing and storage capacity , the traditional wireless routing protocol cannot satisfy the demand of wireless sensor network .

  19. 传统的路由协议都是基于单径的,与之相比较,多径路由协议在平衡网络负载、提高网络传输稳定性等方面具有很大的优势。

    The traditional routing protocols are based on single path . Compared with the single path , multi-path routing protocols have great advantages in balance network load and improving the stability of network transmission .

  20. 由于移动自组网网络节点可以自由移动,使得其没有固定拓扑。所以因特网中传统的路由协议已经不适用于移动自组网络。

    The flexible movement of nodes in Ad Hoc Network leads to the instability of Topology , which means that the traditional routing protocol of the Internet is not applicable to Ad Hoc Network .

  21. 路由协议的性能分析对于路由协议的设计具有非常重要的作用,然而传统的路由协议性能分析往往集中在网络性能或路由的能量消耗。

    The performance analysis of the route protocol for designing good route protocols is very helpful , but the traditional route performance analysis often concentrates the route performance on the network or the energy consumption .

  22. 但由于无线信道的传输特点和节点位置的不确定性,造成网络拓扑结构始终处于不稳定状态,传统的路由协议根本无法适应自动自组网的这些特点。

    But because of transmission characteristics of wireless channel , and uncertainty of node position , network topo structure is in unstable status , so traditional route protocols can not be fit for the characteristics of mobile ad hoc network .

  23. 传统的MANET路由协议都在路由破裂后由源节点重新建路,存在较大建路延时,极大阻碍了信息的实时传送。

    Traditional protocol of MANET , which has longer delay and interferes realtime transmission of information , builds a route from source node after link failure .

  24. 因此,传统的Ad-Hoc路由协议不能直接用于无线传感器网络,必须针对无线传感器网络的特性来研究和设计新的路由协议。

    Therefore , the traditional Ad-Hoc routing protocols can not be directly used in wireless sensor networks , and so new routing protocols must be studied and designed based on the characteristics of wireless sensor networks .

  25. 利用网络测试仪对多路径冗余OSPF路由协议进行路径切换速度的测试,达到500毫秒以内的切换时间。与传统的OSPF路由协议相比,整个转发路径的切换时间缩短到1/10。

    The multi-route redundancy OSPF protocol is tested through network simulator , the switching time of the entire forwarding route is reduced to 500ms , which is less than one tenth of the original switching time .

  26. 传统无线网络路由协议往往要求源、目的节点间存在稳定的端到端路径。

    The traditional network protocols often require a stable end-to-end path exists between the source node and the destination node .

  27. 但是,它的特殊性使传统的网络路由协议无法适用,需要更高要求的路由协议。

    However , the routing protocols of traditional network can not be used due to the specificity of Ad Hoc network .

  28. 但是无线自组网拓扑频繁变化的特点使得传统的因特网路由协议不能满足其需要,因而路由协议一直是无线自组网的研究重点。

    However , the traditional Internet routing protocol cannot meet the demand of Ad Hoc networks because the topology of which frequently changes .

  29. 但无线传感器网络节点往往能量和带宽有限,计算能力和存储能力弱等限制,传统的无线路由协议无法满足无线传感器网络的要求。

    The energy , bandwidth , computation , storage and communication of the sensors are so limited that the traditional wireless routing protocols are not suited for wireless sensor networks .

  30. 传感器节点的能量非常有限,路由协议设计的重要目标是降低节点能源损耗,延长网络生命周期,因此传统的无线路由协议并不适合无线传感器网络。

    Sensor nodes are usually energy-limited , the primary design goal of the sensor networks routing protocol is to reduce energy consumption of nodes , and prolong the system lifetime .