
  • 网络multipath signal
  1. 研究全球定位系统(GPS)多径信号估计的问题。

    This article studies global positioning systems ( GPS ) multipath signal estimation .

  2. 基于用户信号的多径信号分组的DOA估计

    DOA Estimation Based on Multipath Signal Grouping of User Signal

  3. GPS多径信号建模及接收机测试评估

    Modeling of GPS multi-path signals and receiver testing

  4. 基于正交全补码CDMA系统的多径信号接收技术

    Multi-path signal reception techniques of the CDMA system based on orthogonal complementary codes

  5. CDMA系统中多径信号的时延和到达角的联合估计

    ARRIVAL Combined estimation of time delays and DOAs of multipath signals in CDMA system system

  6. 一种估计多用户多径信号DOA的改进方法

    A New Method for Estimating Multipath Signals DOA of Multiusers

  7. 一种有效的多径信号DOA估计算法

    An Effective DOA Estimation Algorithm for Multipath Signals

  8. 有色噪声背景下多径信号的二维DOA和极化参数同时估计算法

    Algorithm for Estimating 2-D direction of arrival and polarization of multiple signals in colored noise

  9. 多径信号的Rake接收技术

    Technology of Rake Reception for Multipath Signals

  10. 基于Burg叠代的多径信号DOA估计算法

    A DOA estimation algorithm for multipath signals based on Burg iterations

  11. 差分GPS系统虽然可以消除大部分定位误差,提高定位精度,但是还是无法消除多径信号引起的定位误差。

    Though differential GPS system can mitigate most of errors to improve the position precision , it can not mitigate the error caused by multipath signals .

  12. GPS测量,尤其是差分GPS测量,多径信号是主要的误差来源,会引起定位精确度的恶化。

    The major error source of GPS systems , especially of differential GPS , is the multipath signals . It will deteriorate the precision of positioning .

  13. 这种RAKE接收机是通过均衡器重构各个多径信号分量,再结合多级干扰抵消获得多径分集增益的,能明显改善误码性能。

    The RAKE receiver is realized by means of reconstruction of the multipath signals and multi-stage interference cancellation equalizer .

  14. DS-CDMA系统通常采用RAKE接收机对多径信号进行有效分离、叠加来抑制多径衰落。

    DS-CDMA system usually adopts RAKE receiver to effectively separate multi-path components , then to combine against multi-path fading .

  15. 该算法是对传统MUSIC方法的推广与变形,克服了要求接收信号数小于阵元数的局限,能有效估计时延不同、波达方向相差很小的多径信号的参数。

    The algorithm is a development of traditional MUSIC algorithm , so the number of multipath signals can be most of the array elements and can be used to estimate the pa - rameters of multipath signals .

  16. 文章追踪了CDMA系统编码领域的最新动态,并在最后给出了正交全补码的CDMA系统的多径信号接收技术。

    Some new developments in CDMA system coding filed are focused on . Finally multipath signal reception techniques of CDMA system based on orthogonal complementary codes are demonstrated .

  17. 提出了基于高阶累积量的多径信号到达时间TOA的估计方法。

    A novel method of TOA estimation of multi-path signals based on higher-order cumulant is presented in this paper .

  18. Rake接收的信号是一组多径信号的总和,即每一径接收信号乘以一个因子进行加权求和来形成最终的判决信号。

    Rake receives a set sum of multipath signals , each signal is multiplied by a weighted factor and merge to form the final signal .

  19. 针对这个问题文提出一种算法,可以比较有效地解决这个问题,将多个用户及其多径信号进行分组,然后分离用户信号及其衍生的多径信号的DOA。

    To resolve this problem we propose an algorithm which first group user signals and multipath signals then estimate the DOA of user signals and multipath signals .

  20. LGR-UWB(LocallyGeneratedReferenceUWB)系统正是采用RAKE接收机合并丰富的多径信号以提高接收性能。

    And the LGR-UWB ( Locally Generated Reference UWB ) systems just adopt the RAKE receiver to combine the plenty of multipath signals to improve the system performance .

  21. 其次,详细讨论了不同布阵形式下的米波MIMO雷达的多径信号模型,包括均匀线阵、倾斜圆阵及高度随机圆阵。

    Secondly , based on different array forms , including uniform linear array , oblique circular array and random height circular array , the multipath signal model of MIMO radar was discussed in detail .

  22. 相干多径信号的来波方向(DOA)估计是阵列信号处理研究中的一个热点,也是智能天线技术的核心内容之一。

    The estimation of direction-of-arrival ( DOA ) of coherent multi-path signals at an antenna array has received considerable attention and it has been one of core techniques of smart antennas .

  23. 该方法通过分辨出新型宽带SIAR的多径信号回波,获得了对测高精度的改善。

    The method improves the height measurement precision through identification of the multi-path echo signal in new wide band SIAR .

  24. 模拟结果表明,改进后的方法在存在多路多径信号并且多径信号幅度较大时仍能够给出正确的TDOA估计值。

    The simulation results show that the improved algorithm can reach a reliable estimation value in the complex situations in which a number of large amplitude multi path signals exist .

  25. 结合正交全补码编码原理,阐述了基于正交全补码CDMA系统不使用RAKE接收机,而采用自适应递归滤波器接收机的多径信号接收技术。

    Combined with the principles of orthogonal complementary codes and based on orthogonal complementary codes CDMA system the multi-path signal reception techniques that adopted an adaptive recursive filter but not a RAKE receiver are described in this paper .

  26. 本文在分析多径信号对GPS接收机跟踪环路的影响的基础上,重点研究了基于码跟踪环和载波跟踪环的多径抑制方案。

    Based on the analysis of the influence of multipath signals on the tracking loop of GPS receiver , this thesis puts emphasis on algorithms for mitigating the multipath effect on the code tracking loop and carrier tracking loop , which consists of the following aspects : 1 .

  27. 与传统的基于时域恒模(CMA)盲均衡算法的直达波提取方法相比,该算法不受多径信号时延的限制,因此更具有效性和鲁棒性。

    Compared with the traditional extraction method based on temporal CMA blind equalization algorithm , it is not limited by time delays of multi-path clutter , so it is more effective and robust .

  28. 针对UWB-PPM多径信号的加权非相干接收机性能分析

    Performance analysis of weighted non-coherent receiver for UWB-PPM signal in multipath channels

  29. 在接收系统中,采用零差接收方式对接收信号进行载波解调,在完成伪码同步的前提下利用Rake接收技术对解调后的多径信号进行分集接收。

    In the receiving module , receiving signals are demodulated with the method of homodyne reception . On the premise of completing pseudo random code synchronization , diversity receiving are completed for multi-path signals can be received with the Rake technology .

  30. 第四,采用CARE算法和PRO-VESPA算法估计多个信源的信道空间特征,并进行性能分析,再由各信源的空间特征估计出其多径信号的二维到达角。

    Fourthly , the spatial features of channel are estimated and analyzed by CARE algorithm and PRO-VESPA algorithm . Then the two dimensional angle of the multipath signal is estimated according to the spatial feature of the signal .