
  • 网络Polynomial time algorithm;polynomial-time algorithm;polynomial algorithm
  1. 最后给出了一个求FD集最优覆盖的多项式时间算法。

    Finally , a polynomial time algorithm for solving an optimal cover of FD set is given .

  2. Shamir多项式时间算法的推广

    The Generalization of Shamir Polynomial Time Algorithm

  3. NP完全问题多项式时间算法研究

    Study on the Polynomial-time Algorithms of NP Complete Problems

  4. 一个SNP问题的多项式时间算法

    A polynomial algorithm for a SNP problem

  5. 网络优化问题是一类特殊的组合优化问题,很多问题找不到求最优解的多项式时间算法,属于NP困难问题;

    Network optimization is special problem of combinatorial optimization . Many questions belong to non-determin-istic polynomial problems ( NP ) .

  6. 最后,利用双层规划的对偶理论,给出求解OEM业务最优策略的一种多项式时间算法。

    Finally a polynomial-time algorithm for the optimal strategy of OEM is gotten by using dual theory of bilevel programming .

  7. 在考虑子任务间逻辑依赖关系和转移成本的情况下,探讨了针对这类复杂任务结构的服务Agent联盟形成问题,并且提出了一种基于动态规划的多项式时间算法。

    We consider the Agent Coalition Formation Problem with logical dependency and transfer cost . And , we propose an algorithm with polynomial time complexity on the basis of Dynamic Planning , to solve this problem .

  8. 但作业车间调度问题是非常典型的NP-hard问题,迄今为止仍未找到可以精确求得最优解的多项式时间算法。

    However , cause the job-shop scheduling problem is a typical NP-hard problem , optimal solutions can still not be precisely obtained by far .

  9. 本文提出了无向图(k,m)最优划分的一个近似算法,证明了这是一个产生近似最优解的多项式时间算法。

    In this paper we present an approximation algorithm for ( k , m ) optimal partition problem on an undirected graph . We show that this approximation algorithm which produces a near optimal solution runs in polynomial time .

  10. 异构无线网络中取得max-min公平带宽分配是一个NP-hard问题,设计了多项式时间算法来获得次优的近似解。

    The max-min bandwidth fairness allocation in HWNs is NP-hard problem , so an approximation algorithm of polynomial-time is designed to obtain suboptimal result .

  11. 同时充分利用子网的性质给出了判定此类合成DAC网结构活和结构有界的有多项式时间算法。

    Moreover , a polynomial-time algorithm to decide whether a Petri net system is a live and bounded Decomposable AC system is presented by using subnets ' properties .

  12. 本文给出了判定阈图是否为哈密顿图的多项式时间算法,并证明了阈图上STEINER树问题是NP-完全的,给出解答它的多项式时间近似算法。

    This paper presents a polynomial algorithm to determine whether a threshold graph is a Hamiltonian graph . It is also shown that STEINER tree problem in threshold graph is NP-complete and a polynomial approximate algorithm for it is proposed .

  13. 对于不同的目标函数,证明了工件在单机加工前缓冲等待时间有限制的调度问题是强NP难的,对于运输车辆有容量限制问题的可解情况给出了多项式时间算法。

    For different objective function , the problem of scheduling is proved strongly NP-hard if a job has limited waiting time before processed on a single machine . As to the solvable case that the capacity of transporters is limited , some polynomial time algorithms are given .

  14. 本文提出了陷阱区间的定义,分析了陷阱点的结构,估计了陷阱点的测度,对Shamir提出的多项式时间算法进行了分析与讨论。

    This paper presents definition of trapdoor interval , analysis of the structure of trapdoor point and estimation of the measure of trapdoor point . It analyses and discusses the polynomial time algorithm presented by Shamir .

  15. 分析了KNA算法的计算复杂性,证明了当扰动项足够小时,KNA算法是多项式时间算法。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the computational complexity of KNA algorithm and to prove that KNA algorithm is a polynomial time algorithm as the perturbation is small enough .

  16. 文中指出了文献〔1〕中对BCNF判定问题证明过程的错误之处,通过分析属于BCNF的关系模式的结构特点,给出了一个判定关系模式是否属于BCNF的多项式时间算法。

    The mistake in the proving process of the problem of deciding BCNF in reference is pointed out , and a polynomial time algorithm to decide whether a relation schema is in BCNF is given .

  17. Luebke和Provan证明了欧几里德2-连通Steiner网络问题是NP-困难的。这意味着对一般的平面有限点集而言,不大可能存在求解这个问题的多项式时间算法。

    Luebke and Provan proved that the Euclidean 2-connected Steiner network problem is NP-hard , which means that there are few possibilities of existing a polynomial time algorithm for a general finite set P of points in the Euclidean plane .

  18. 约束正定式几何规划的一种多项式时间算法

    A Polynomial Time Algorithm in Positive Define Geometric Programming with Constraints

  19. 解答划分问题的新拟多项式时间算法

    A New Pseudo - polynomial Time Algorithm for Partition Problem

  20. 求多总线系统容错度的多项式时间算法

    Polynomial-time algorithms for determinating the fault-tolerance degree of Multibus systems

  21. 计算两类网络的可靠性的多项式时间算法

    A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Computing Reliability of Two Classes of Networks

  22. 一类耦合工件组作业问题的多项式时间算法

    A Polynomial Time Algorithm of the Coupled - task Scheduling

  23. 分析结果表明,所给方法是一多项式时间算法。

    The results indicate that the algorithm is a polynomial - time one .

  24. 单机分批加工最大迟后问题的一个多项式时间算法

    A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Maximum Lateness in Single Machine Scheduling with Batching

  25. 单位操作长度的自由作业问题多项式时间算法

    Polynomial Algorithms for Open-shop Problems with Unit Length Jobs

  26. 一个约束乘积最大问题的强多项式时间算法

    A strongly polynomial algorithm for maximization of product under budget and box constraints

  27. 本文利用统计分析法,提出求解矩形斯坦纳树问题的多项式时间算法。

    This paper presents a polynomial time algorithm for finding Rectilinear-Steiner-Trees by statistical analysis .

  28. 寻求中国货郎担问题最短回路的多项式时间算法

    A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Solving the Shortest Circuit of China Traveling Salesman Problem

  29. 瓶颈指派问题的一种多项式时间算法

    A Polynomial-time Algorithm for the Bottleneck Assignment Problem

  30. 符号差类运输问题的多项式时间算法

    Polynomial time Algorithm for Signature Class Transportation Problem