
  • 网络minimization problem
  1. 本文给出了一个解Lipschitz约束极小化问题的算法,它是Bundle方法的改进。

    This paper gives an algorithm for Lipschitz constrained minimization problem , and it is a modification of Bundle method .

  2. 主要做的工作是将Hilbert空间中极小化问题的粘性解方法推广到一类特殊的Banach空间中。

    My major work is to generalize the method of viscosity solutions for minimization problem in Hilbert space to a special Banach space .

  3. 定理3.1无约束极小化问题(Pε)至少有一个解。

    In this paper , the following results are approached , Theorem 3.1 The problem ( P ) has at least one solution .

  4. 实对称矩阵最大特征值极小化问题的一个BT型ε-次梯度算法

    A BT type ε - subgradient algorithm for minimizing the greatest eigenvalue of a real symmetric matrix

  5. 采用前馈神经网络求解N-皇后问题,并用变学习因子的快速学习算法解决局部极小化问题,给出了几组搜索结果。

    Applies feed forward neural network to the N QUEENs question , and sdves the local minimization question using a rapid learning algorithm with variable learning factors . Gives several research results .

  6. 到本文提出一个求解L1范数极小化问题的神经网络新模型,并予以严格证明,对比文〔1〕中的模型,新模型具有较小的规模;

    A neural network for solving L1-norm minimization problem is presented and is shown to be globally convergent to exact solutions .

  7. 利用极小l1模剩余向量,将l1范数极小化问题转化为先求一个约束不可微最优化问题,再解一个相容的线性方程组。

    Using the minimum l1-norm residue vector , we can translate l1-norm minimization problem into solving a non-differentiable optimization and consistency equations .

  8. 本文首先给出求解可分函数极小化问题的Jacobi松弛法及其收敛性定理。

    At first this paper , gives the Jacobi relaxation method , to solve minimization of separable function and its convergence theorems .

  9. 应用变分方法,综合利用先验估计,含测度的方程,该文通过求解一个具有非凸约束的局部极小化问题,得到所考虑的Plateau问题的有界解之存在性。

    This paper proved the existence of bounded solutions for this kind Plateau problem by solving a local minimizing problem with nonconvex constraint via the calculus of variation , equation with measures and prior estimates .

  10. 解L1范数极小化问题的神经网络

    Neural Network for Solving L_1 - Norm Minimization Problem

  11. +~n上的约束极小化问题,并构造相应的derivative-free下降算法。

    We constitute the corresponding derivative - free descent algorithm .

  12. 在建立该问题极大熵函数及其区间扩张,证明极大熵函数及其区间扩张对原问题的收敛性质基础上,构造了l1模极小化问题的区间极大熵算法。

    On the basis of discussing maximum-entropy function , interval extension . and convergence , the interval maximum-entropy method for l_1 norm minimization problem is set up .

  13. 用改进的SPEA求解轨道转移的时间-能量极小化问题

    Solving Minimizing Time-Energy Problem of Orbital Transformation via the Improved SPEA

  14. 通过K均值聚类算法预处理训练样本以平滑优化途径,解决连续小波神经网络(CWNN)的局部极小化问题。

    In order to solve partial minimization of continuous wavelet neural network ( CWNN ), smooth optimal approach by using dynamic clustering algorithm to pretreatment training sample is proposed .

  15. 本文提出一类改进的BFGS算法,并采用Goldstein线搜索来研究一般非凸目标函数极小化问题,并证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

    In this paper , we propose a new BFGS algorithm for the no convex unconstrained optimization problems . And it prove that the method with Goldstein type line search converges globally .

  16. 本文给出求解极小化问题的一类共轭方向算法,将此算法用于等式约束二次规划(QEP),得到不同于Wolfe算法的另一种求解QEP方法。

    A novel conjugate direction method for optimization is proposed Using it in the quadratic programming with equality constraints , an algorithm different from Wolfe 's is developed .

  17. Tikhonov正则化的基本思想是:把求解第一类线性紧算子方程问题转化为二次Tikhonov泛函极小化问题。

    The basic idea of Tikhonov regularization is that linear compact operator equation of the first kind is replaced by the minimization problem of Tikhonov functional , the paper demonstrates the minimization of Tikhonov functional is an well-posed problem .

  18. 对建立的非线性规划模型,用罚函数法SUMT将该约束非线性规划变为一系列无约束极小化问题,并用变尺度法DFP和二次插值法解无约束问题。

    For this nonlinear programming model using the mixed penalty function method SUMT we transform the constrained nonlinear programming into a sequence of unconstrained minimization problems , and we solve the unconstrained problems by the variable metric method DFP and the method of quadratic interpolation .

  19. 解可分函数极小化问题的一种松弛方法

    A Relaxation Method for Solving The Minimization Problems of Separable Function

  20. 范数的极小化问题的光滑近似是本文所讨论问题的特殊情况。

    Minimum norm approximation is a particular case of this problem .

  21. 下卷积的次微分在极小化问题中的应用

    The subdifferential of inf-convolution and its applications in minimisation problem

  22. 用非线性规划求解机械设计中函数的极大值极小化问题

    Solving the Minimax Problem in Mechanical Design by Nonlinear Programming

  23. 论非线性极小化问题的斜量法收敛性定理及修正形式

    On the convergence of the gradient method for non - linear minimization problems

  24. 大规模界约束极小化问题的有效集截断牛顿法

    Active set truncated-Newton algorithm for large-scale bound constrained minimization

  25. 线性极差极小化问题及其应用

    On Minimization of Linear Extremum Difference and Its Applications

  26. 关于三重阻力积分的极小化问题

    On a Minimization Problem of a Triple Drag Integral

  27. 二次型极小化问题的迭代算法

    Iterative Algorithm to the Quadratic Minimization Problem

  28. 乘积空间中的极小化问题

    Minimization problems in the product spaces

  29. 我们知道,通过广义D-间隙函数,可以将变分不等式问题转化为一个无约束极小化问题。

    It is known that the VIP can be reformulated as an unconstrained minimization problem through the D-gap function .

  30. 本文主要讨论了求解无约束极小化问题的非单调信赖域方法的相关论题。

    In this thesis , we consider some topics about the nonmonotone trust region method for unconstrained minimization problems .