
  1. 在IC制造技术受到物理极限挑战的今天,3D封装技术越来越成为了微电子行业关注的热点。

    IC manufacturing faced the challenges of physical limits , 3D packaging technology has increasingly become the focus of the microelectronics industry .

  2. 集成电路技术发展的物理极限挑战与对策

    Challenges of physical limits and countermeasures in the development of integrated circuits

  3. 超越极限挑战自我&七星国际越野挑战赛侧记

    Brave the Challenge beyond one 's Limit Sidelights on the Mild Seven Outdoor Questa

  4. 这是一条充满极限挑战的路。

    It 's a trail of extremes .

  5. 多出来的部分使我们能跑马拉松、或是承受其他身心极限挑战。

    That excess capacity is why we can run marathons or endure other extraordinary mental or physical challenges .

  6. 他们向生命的极限挑战,带给所有关心他们的人以坚强信心与顽强意志。

    They challenged the extreme of life and brought huge confidence and iron will to those caring for them .

  7. 正因为他们准备好接受这些极限挑战,所以才活到今天。

    So it 's only because they were prepared to go to these extremes that they are alive today .

  8. 马奎斯回到瑞士,回到了生活的循环中——打工,赚够钱之后就离开,奔向下一项极限挑战。

    Marquis returned to Switzerland and embraced the cycle - work for money , then leave on some extreme challenge she devised for herself .

  9. 马奎斯回到瑞士,回到了生活的循环中&打工,赚够钱之后就离开,奔向下一项极限挑战。

    Marquis returned to Switzerland and embraced the cycle & work for money , then leave on some extreme challenge she devised for herself .

  10. 今年她要向兴奋的极限挑战,因为她要去玩从150层楼高的桥往下坠落的高空弹跳!

    This year was going to be the ultimate thrill . She was going to bungee jump from a bridge over 150 stories high !

  11. 游戏最后一关是极限挑战关卡,看看你是否有足够的能力挑战强大的异形吧!

    The last game is the ultimate challenge of the Commissioner checkpoints to see whether you have sufficient ability to challenge the powerful profiled !

  12. 传奇难度目前已经从关闭状态中开放,给予你极限的挑战!

    Legendary difficulty now available from the off , giving you the ultimate challenge !

  13. 极限速度挑战赛来了不少人啊,是吗?

    Looks like there 's a lot of people in town for speed week , huh ?

  14. 亚历山大是一个名叫“天行者”组织的成员,这个组织不断壮大,在俄罗斯和乌克兰盛行。组织成员挑战通过寻找极限刺激挑战自我。

    The daredevil is part of a growing group of ' Skywalkers ' - predominantly from Russia and Ukraine - who push themselves to the limit in search of dangerous thrills .

  15. 芯片封装是影响IC制造产品性能和生产效率的关键环节,芯片封装等领域的迅速发展对定位系统的行程、速度、加速度和精度的极限性提出挑战。

    Die bonding plays a key role in effecting the quality and efficiency of IC production . The rapid development brings a challenge to the system in utmost stroke , speed , acceleration and accuracy .

  16. 我们的确需要远见卓识去拓宽普通人的思考极限,去挑战想当然的观点和短视的行为。

    It is true that we need visionaries to stretch the limits of us ordinary folks ' thought processes , to challenge our assumptions and narrow-minded approaches .

  17. 运动成绩每一次提高都是对人类极限新的挑战,同时也意味着将来的目标更高,教练员肩负的责任更重,运动训练中面临的困难也将更多。

    Every increase in athletic performance limits of the new challenges to human , but also higher indicate future goals , coaches heavier responsibility , exercise training also will be more difficulties .

  18. 在ESPN极限滑雪板中挑战这世界上最极限的运动。

    Challenge the world 's most extreme runs in ESPN 's X Games Snowboarder X.

  19. 当代足球比赛旨在取胜的无止境竞争,不断地把足球运动水平推向新的高度,也不断地向人类运动极限掀起了频频挑战。

    The contemporary football matches aim at the endless successful competition , constantly put football game into a higher level and also in constant challenge to the limit of mankind sports .