
  • 网络polar vector;Pole Vector
  1. 极矢量异乎寻常长时间的极地寒潮带来的强冷空气。

    Polar Vector - an unusually long-lived Polar outbreak bringing very cold weather .

  2. 极矢量与轴矢量的区别在于它们的反演性质不同。

    Polar vectors and axial vectors are distinguished by their inversion properties .

  3. 用极坐标矢量法设计空间凸轮廓线

    Design of a spatial cam contour by polar coordinate vectors

  4. 复杂平面机构的复数&极坐标矢量法

    Complex polar vector notation of complex plane frame

  5. 提出用复数-极坐标矢量法(简称复矢量法)来分析平面机构的运动。

    A new method is proposed to analyse the motion of plane mechanism by means of complex polar coordinates vector method .

  6. 针对空间凸轮廓线设计工作量大和设计精度较低的问题,以圆柱凸轮机构为例,提出用极坐标矢量解析法设计空间凸轮廓线。

    A new method , polar coordinate vectors , for a spatial cam contour design was developed to simplify the traditional design procedure and improve its precision , by which the equations of a cylindrical cam contour , as an example , were deduced .

  7. 交交变频隐极同步电动机矢量控制器的研究

    Research of Vector Controller for Cycloconvertor-fed Non-salient-pole Synchronous Motor

  8. 用极坐标复数矢量法分析电影摄影机连杆抓片机构

    Kinematic Analysis of Claw Linkage Mechanism of Cine Camera by Complex Polar Vector Notation

  9. 汽轮发电机饱和同步电抗的波动凸极同步电动机矢量控制中交直轴电流变换的研究

    Research on quadrature - direct axis current transformation in vector control of salient - pole synchronous motors

  10. 分析了在气隙合成磁链矢量旋转坐标系上凸极同步电动机的矢量控制的磁链模型。

    The flux linkage model is introduced for the magnetizing-flux-oriented vector control of salient-pole synchronous motors .

  11. 利用极坐标系及矢量代数对极坐标系下的平面曲线电流,在其极点处的磁感应强度进行了推导,得到了此类问题的通用公式。

    Making use of the polar coordinates and vector-algebra carried out the universal formula of the magnetic induction intensity at the focus of the polar coordinates plane curve electric current .

  12. 根据动量定理和角动量定理,通过直角坐标系和平面极坐标系单位矢量的变换,给出了推导平方反比有心力场中轨道的一种新方法。

    Based on the theorems of momentum and angular momentum , a new method for determining the orbit in central force field of inverse & square law is given by the transformation of unit vectors in two coordinate systems .