
  1. 不敢享用,心怀恐惧掖藏。

    Fearful to use what they with fear possess .

  2. 在掖藏在古旧的维拉德旅馆一个角落里的她自己的房间里,伊丽莎白?维拉德点燃了一盏灯。

    In her room , tucked away in a corner of the old Willard House , Elizabeth Willard lighted a lamp .

  3. 动车组的座椅扶手内配备了可折叠的茶几,便于书写或放置东西,不用时可以掖藏起来。

    On the D-prefaced trains there is a tray table for each passenger installed in the armrest of the sea which can be pulled out for writing on or holding objects , or stowed away when not in use .
