首页 / 词典 / good

  • support by the arm;help;assist;promote

  • tuck in;thrust in between
  • 用手扶着别人的胳膊:扶~。

  • 扶持别人:~护。奖~。

  • 古同“腋”,旁边。

  • 把东西塞在衣袋或夹缝里:腰里~着手榴弹。

  1. 把你的衬衣掖进去,垂在长裤外面很不好。

    Tuck in your shirt ; it looks awful hanging out of your pants .

  2. 躺过来宝贝把被子掖好

    All right , babe , roll over then . Tuck in . That 's it .

  3. 我给孩子们掖好被子,让他们睡觉了。

    I left the children tucked up snugly in bed .

  4. 床单的四边应整整齐齐地掖在褥垫下面。

    The sheets should be tucked in neatly .

  5. “大概吧,”我边说边把衬衫掖了进去。

    ' Probably , ' I said , tucking in my shirt

  6. 母亲会给我掖好被子,关上灯,然后蹑手蹑脚走出去。

    My mother would tuck me in , turn out the lights and tiptoe out .

  7. 掖紧被子。

    Tuck the sheets in firmly .

  8. 他已从电话里感到乔丹掖着点儿什么有价值的情报。

    He had felt on the telephone that Jordan had a little nugget of information tucked away somewhere .

  9. 他们住在旅馆的第一个晚上,父亲将自己的床移近儿子的床。他们掖好被子后他就关了灯。

    The first night they spent in a hotel , the father moved his bed close to the boy 's and when they were both tucked1 in , he turned out the light .

  10. 本文作者发现,粉煤灰在水中悬浮掖的pH值是表征粉煤灰化学活性的一个指标。

    PH value of fly ash suspension in water is found to be an index characterizing the chemical activity of fly ash .

  11. 本文叙述用气-液层析法直接测定青霉索V发酵掖中的苯氧乙酸的实验。

    In the present paper , a method of gas-liquid chromatography is described to determine the phenoxyacetic acid in penicillin V fermentation broth .

  12. 山东招掖金矿带花岗岩类单颗粒锆石U-Pb年代学研究及其意义

    Single grain zircon U-Pb ages for the granitoids from the ZHAO-YE gold mineralization belt ( shandong province ) and their geological implications

  13. 胶东招-掖金矿带金矿化蚀变带Rb-Sr等时线的研究及测定

    Study and determination of Rb-Sr isochron dating on gold mineralization alteration zone in Zhaoyuan-Yexian gold mineralized belt , Eastern Shandong

  14. 为探索闪急沸腾喷雾的形成机理,以氟里昂R12为试验掖体,采用激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)测量了稳定流动条件下粒子的速度分布。

    In order to understand flash boiling injection , the drop velocity distribution in steady spray of freon R12 as test liquid was investigated by using LDA technique .

  15. 结果表明,以玉米掖单4号为生测指示植物,25℃下浸种12h后立即播种,以一次性塑料口杯为培养器皿,采用一次性加药方式,不见光培养6d即可获得满意的生测结果。

    As the indicating plant , only soaking seeds for 12 hours at 25 ℃ , one-time plastic cup as the cultivating container , adding herbicides one-time , cultivating 6 days under darkness .

  16. 没,我是想帮你掖被子。

    No , I was just getting ready to tuckyou in .

  17. 演讲者掖下夹着一个文件走了入来。

    The lecturer walked in with a file under his arm .

  18. 山东招掖金矿带稀土元素地球化学特征初步研究

    The geochemical characteristics of REE in ZHAO-YE gold belt , Shandong Province

  19. 他往那个人兜里掖了几个铜板。

    He stuffed some coins into the man 's pocket .

  20. 质地轻盈,通常穿在汗衫外面,不用掖在裤子里。

    It is lightweight and worn untucked over an undershirt .

  21. 躺过来我给你掖被子

    Roll right over . I 'll tuck you in .

  22. 而且,到了晚上,他还会给孩子们掖被角。

    And he 'll be there to tuck them in at night .

  23. 不敢享用,心怀恐惧掖藏。

    Fearful to use what they with fear possess .

  24. 她掖好床上的被子。

    She tucked in the covers on the Bed .

  25. 理查德向我们走来,边走边掖好他的夏威夷汗衫。

    Richard came towards us tucking in his Hawaiian shirt as he walked .

  26. 随后,她给他们掖好被子,让他们一定别忘了祷告。

    Then she tucked them in and made sure they said their prayers .

  27. 她掖起膨松的裙边给旁边的简腾出地方。

    She tucked up her voluminous skirts to make room for Jane beside her .

  28. 乳腺癌组织染色体17p13的杂合性缺失分析初步明确了掖单13增产的光合生理基础

    Analysis of loss of heterozygosity on chromosome band 17 P 13 in breast carcinoma

  29. 这件事你一直在藏着掖着的。

    You 're being so defensive about it .

  30. 于是护士们把他抬了过去,帮他掖好被子,让他舒舒服服地躺下了。

    So they moved him , tucked him in , and made him quite comfortable .
