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  • water puddle;manure pit in the fields
  • 塘,水坑:水~。粪~。~肥(中国南方一些地区把垃圾、树叶、杂草、粪尿等放在坑里沤制成的肥料)。

  1. 他凼力脚伤而避免了服兵役。

    He avoided the draft because of afoot injury .

  2. 紫木凼金矿床主要载金矿物为含砷黄铁矿和毒砂。

    The gold bearing minerals of Zimudang gold deposit are mainly arsenic bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite .

  3. 科学家从1994年开始选址,最终选定大窝凼洼地。

    Scientists began looking for a site in 1994 and finally settled on the Dawodang depression .

  4. 紫木凼金矿石是黔西南地区较典型的难处理金矿石。

    The gold ore from Zimudang Mine is typical refractory gold ore in south-west area of Guizhou Province .

  5. 在澳门凼仔岛和路环岛两个离岛的植被成功恢复过程中,土坑法这一技术的应用起到了很好的作用。

    It was very helpful to use the holes digging method in the process of vegetation restoration in the two sub-islands of Ma-cao .

  6. 温泉镇井盐生产技术发展史,可分为四个阶段,即掏沙作凼、匝井建灶、烧笼炼咸和烧冰打鹾。

    We can divided the developing history of well salt production of Wunquan town into four stages : digging well , building stove , firing basked and boiling brine .

  7. 位于中国东南沿海的澳门,包括澳门半岛和两个位于珠江三角洲的凼仔岛和路环岛。

    Macau , on the southeast coast of China , consits of the Macau peninsula and the two offshore islands of Taipa and Coloane in the Pearl River delta .