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  • shovel coal;ore;etc. from one place to another
  • 把堆在一起的东西铲起来掀到一边去:~土。~煤机。

  1. 有了攉煤机,再也不用人一铲子一铲子地挖煤了。

    With coal shovel machines ; people don 't have to dig out coal shovel by shovel .

  2. 炮采工作面攉煤机主参数的理论计算

    Theoretic calculation of main parameter of the coal shovel for blasting mining face

  3. 便携式炮采工作面攉煤机的研制

    Development of the portable coal shovel for blast-mining face

  4. 初动期地洼盆地由西向东推进演化,余动期地洼洼盆地由东向西攉进演化。

    In the initial-stability period diwa advanced from west to east , while in the residual-mobility period , from east to west .