
yín huì
  • obscene;pornographic;bawdy;salacious;prurience;impurity
淫秽 [yín huì]
  • [pornographic;bawdy;salacious] 淫乱或猥亵

  • 查禁淫秽书刊

淫秽[yín huì]
  1. 依据该法案,淫秽物的界定权在法庭。

    The bill leaves it up to the courts to decide what is obscene .

  2. 该修正案对贬损某一宗教教物或信仰的淫秽或不雅内容予以禁止。

    The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion

  3. 他们的舞台表演有点儿太淫秽了,不适合上电视。

    Their stage act is a little too raunchy for television .

  4. 你怎么能看这种淫秽读物?

    How can you read such filth ?

  5. 一场全国性打击淫秽作品的行动在夏季打响了。

    A nationwide campaign against pornography began in the summer .

  6. 他们建立起一座为淫秽活动作掩护的假寺庙。

    They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery

  7. 我对淫秽书刊痛恨之极。

    I detest smutty books .

  8. 他时而虔诚时而淫秽,时而欢天喜地,时而凄然泪下。

    He was by turns devout and obscene , merry and lachrymose .

  9. 卡尔先生的优美文字,充满同情,诙谐和博智,淡化了任何淫秽的意味

    Any sense of prurience is relieved by Mr Kahr 's prose , which is sympathetic , witty and erudite .

  10. 运用局部形态SIFT描述法过滤网络淫秽图像方法的研究

    Detecting Web Pornographic images based on local SIFT features

  11. 根据iask-ca表示,加拿大海关发现这两位学生的社交APP微信上有淫秽内容。

    According to iask-ca , Canadian customs found obscene content in the two students ' WeChat , a messaging app .

  12. 这些曾经的学者可以在《学术复苏编年史》(ChroniclesofaRecoveringAcademic)和《前博士汇聚地》(Dr.OuttaHere,需警惕淫秽内容)等博客上找到同道中人。

    And former academics can find kindred souls at blogs like Chronicles of a Recovering Academic and Dr. Outta Here ( obscenity alert ) .

  13. 据警方报道,对LesleyAnnSharp关于儿童淫秽资料的起诉是因为LesleyAnnSharp与男学生联系时发的短息图片里有相关照片。

    The child pornography charges stem from explicit photos that Sharp allegedly exchanged with the boy via text message , according to police .

  14. 更棒的是听一位当地民歌手表演一首关于我们尊敬的参议员希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的惊人淫秽的歌曲,引起的那种让人有些心虚的战栗。

    Even better was the guilty thrill of hearing a local folk musician perform a spectacularly obscene song about Hillary Clinton , our esteemed senator .

  15. 这些曾经的学者可以在《学术复苏编年史》(ChroniclesofaRecoveringAcademic)和《前博士汇聚地》(Dr.OuttaHere,需警惕淫秽内容)等博客上找到同道中人。

    And former academics can find kindred souls at blogs like " Chronicles of a Recovering Academic " and " Dr. Outta Here " ( obscenity alert ) .

  16. 这正是蒙田(Montaigne)在提醒读者“国王和哲学家都要排便”时所要表达的意思。通过淫秽粗俗或性唤起,将人类之动物本性这一事实永恒而赤裸地公之于众,是民主的一种神能量。

    That is what Montaigne meant when he reminded his readers that ' both kings and philosophers defecate . ' Making public the permanent and leveling truths of our animal nature , through obscenity or evocations of sex , is one of democracy 's sacred energies . '

  17. 规范淫秽材料的最佳办法是目标清晰。

    The best approach to regulating obscenity is a focused one .

  18. 有些人认为它是淫秽的,不适合年轻人。

    Some thought it obscene ~ ~ and unsuitable for the young .

  19. 第九节制作、贩卖、传播淫秽物品罪

    Section 9 crimes of producing , selling , disseminating pornographic

  20. (四)有反动、淫秽、迷信、荒诞内容的;

    That is reactionary , obscene , superstitious or absurd ;

  21. 有关人体生理、医学知识的科学著作不是淫秽物品。

    Scientific works on human physiology or medical knowledge are not pornographic materials .

  22. 他们没有警惕标志,已经超越了淫秽的界限。

    They haven 't red-flagged it beyond obscenity concerns .

  23. 网警呼吁加强服务器治理淫秽网站何以能够开办?

    Net alarm the appeal strengthens server management Bawdy website why can open ?

  24. 含有淫秽、迷信、恐怖、暴力、丑恶的内容;

    Having information suggesting pornography , superstition , terror , violence or hideousness ;

  25. 管制物质、淫秽物品和有毒物质一般禁止入境。

    Controlled substances , obscene articles , and toxic substances are generally prohibited entry .

  26. 在大部分国家里,出版或散发淫秽材料是犯罪行为。

    In most countries , publishing or distributing obscene materials is a criminal offense .

  27. 我的天哪!你在做什么?你真是太淫秽了!

    My goodness me ! What have you been doing ? You 're filthy !

  28. 淫秽书刊被没收,销毁了。

    The lascivious books were confiscated and destroyed .

  29. 该杂志被归类成淫秽出版物,已被海关没收。

    The magazine be class as an obscene publication and seize by the custom .

  30. 有关“淫秽”的法律也可能被用作禁止其他材料的借口。

    Or the obscenity laws may be used as a pretext to censor other material .