
yú qíng yù bào
  • Fishing forecast;fishery forecast
渔情预报[yú qíng yù bào]
  1. 东海北部秋汛灯围渔情预报的研究

    Study on the Forecast of Fishing Conditions of Light Seining in Autumn Fishing Season in the Northern Part of the East China Sea

  2. 文中还讨论了南黄海大沙和吕泗渔场的性质特征,以期为蓝点马鲛渔情预报提供基础资料。

    Additionally , the characteristics and functions of two important fishing grounds : Dasha and Lvsi in the Southern Yellow Sea are discussed for providing basic data for fishing forecast .

  3. 利用2010年生产统计数据,采用自然边界法将生产统计数据和栖息地指数均分为5个级别,对渔情预报模型进行了验证。

    The 5 levels for both the HSI index and the products data are derived by using the natural boundary method and are used to verify the accuracy of the model .

  4. 调查表明,在海况正常的年景、幼鱼发生量指数(密度指数)与上层鱼渔获量呈正相关,可作为预测资源丰欠和夏秋汛渔情预报的一个主要指标。

    The investigation shows that in ordinary years the juvenile fish emergence size ( biomass index ) is directly proportional to its catch which can be used to predict stock situation and as a major index of predicting summer and autumn emergence sizes .

  5. 渔场渔情分析预报的研究及其进展

    Progress in fishing-ground analysis and fishing condition forecasting