
yú gē
  • Fishing Song;fisherman's song
渔歌 [yú gē]
  • [fisherman's song] 打鱼人唱的歌

  • 渔歌互答。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

渔歌[yú gē]
  1. 雄浑有力的渔歌号子在述说渔民劳动的艰辛和丰收的喜悦。

    The heart-stirring and forceful work songs depict the fishermen 's hard work as well as their happiness of a big haul .

  2. 渔歌除了可从其乐曲和歌词内容进行研究外,还可以从其语言形式上进行分析。

    Apart from the studies of their musical composition and content of words , an analysis can also be made of their language form .

  3. 以东海渔歌为例,单就其言辞节奏韵律美的角度,能够欣赏其无穷的魅力。

    Taking the fishing songs in East China Sea for example , we can appreciate their endless glamour just from the rhythm and pace of their words .

  4. 就这样,当他们驶到火光正面的时候,他就笔直地驶入光圈的中心,嘴里唱起了一首渔歌,他的伙计们也同声合唱着。

    Then , when they were opposite the fire , he steered to the centre of the circle , singing a fishing song , of which his companions sung the chorus .