
  1. 纽基是一个渔业社区。

    New quay is a fishing community .

  2. 为此,首先总结了渔业社区管理的概念,并对目前有关各国的实践进行分类。

    Therefore , this paper firstly summed up the concept of he community-based fisheries management , and classified the practices of foreign countries .

  3. 就算有一个更高级的预警系统,亚洲大多数贫穷的海岸线农业和渔业社区仍然无法从这一地区撤离。

    Even with an upgraded warning system , most of the poor coastal farming and fishing communities in Asia would still find it difficult to evacuate .

  4. 渔业社区管理是随着市场经济和政府管理的发展而被作为一种解决传统渔业管理困境的途径提出。

    With the development of market economy and the government management , the community-based fisheries management is forwarded as an approach to solving the dilemma of the traditional fisheries management .

  5. 尽管政府明令禁止东南亚最大的湖—洞里萨湖商业性捕鱼,但渔业社区表示当地腐败官员们的收受贿赂意味着这样的违法行为实际上是有增无减。

    Despite a government ban on commercial fishing across Tonle Sap Lake - the largest lake in Southeast Asia - fishing communities say bribery of corrupt local officials has meant the illegal practice is actually increasing .

  6. 对于那些高度依赖渔业的社区而言,当地食用鱼供应量或质量的下降,或他们生计不稳定性的提高,都将引发更为严重的问题。

    For communities who heavily rely on fisheries , any decreases in the local availability or quality of fish for food or increases in their livelihoods ' instability will pose even more serious problems .

  7. 渔业协会、渔村社区组织及其渔业资源管理功能

    The Fisheries Association , Fishing Community-based Organizations and the Management Functions in Fisheries Resources

  8. 有意思的是,鹊鸟倡导的“放松渔业管制”,竟然能博得古老渔业社区的共鸣,这些社区的成员同当年创作《巨浪下的神户川》时的葛饰北斋年龄相仿。

    Intriguingly , his calls for deregulation have struck a chord even in ancient fishing communities whose members are as old as Hokusai was when he created his masterwork .

  9. 最后,提出从政府管理者和渔民或与渔业相关的利害人两个方面创造实施渔业社区管理的条件。

    At last , suggestions were put forward that the community-based fisheries management could be implemented in China from two aspects : the government , and fishers or fisheries related interest groups .

  10. 但粮农组织也指出,渔业中与气候相关的物理和生物的变化对依赖渔业的社区的影响与这些变化一样,不尽相同。

    FAO also noted however that the impacts of climate-related physical and biological changes in fisheries on the communities that depend on them will be as varied as the changes themselves .

  11. 总结出我国海洋渔业转型的运行机制包括:海洋资源环境保护机制;海洋渔业产业结构优化机制;沿海渔民转产转业机制;和谐渔业社区构建机制。

    Then , summarize the run system of marine fishery transition , which consists of marine fishery sources protection system ; marine fishery industrial structure optimization system ; fishermen transfer system ; harmonious fishery community system .