
  1. 关于舟山渔民画发展的思考

    Ponderance over the Growth of Fisherman Paintings in Zhoushan

  2. 论舟山渔民画的审美特征

    Aesthetic Features of Fishermen Paintings in Zhoushan

  3. 舟山渔民画聚集着浓厚的地域民间艺术风格,蕴涵着与众不同的海洋文化风情。

    Zhoushan fishermen paintings have a strong local folk art style and contains special marine culture amorous feelings .

  4. 在海洋文化中孕育出的舟山渔民画,其作品想象丰富、神情生动、色彩鲜艳,散发着浓烈的海洋气息。

    The fishermen paintings in Zhoushan , rooted in the marine culture , are impressive for their rich imagination , vivid expression , bright colors and strong features of the ocean .

  5. 纵观20多年的舟山渔民画创作,渔家生活习俗、民间传说与谚语是渔民画艺术创作的主要源泉与材料。

    From more than 20 years creations of Zhou Shan fisherman painting , it is the fisherman 's living custom , the popular legend and the proverb that are the main source and material of the fisherman painting creations .

  6. 通过对舟山本土文化与淳朴的渔民生活互渗关系研究,解析舟山渔民画创作图像来源。

    From researching the interpenetration of Zhou Shan local culture and pure fishing life , we could explain the creative picture source of Zhou Shan fisherman painting .