
ɡuó jì hánɡ dào
  • international waterway;international navigational route
  1. 毕竟,南海被认为是国际航道,跟鄂霍次克海不一样。

    After all , the South China Sea is a recognized international waterway , unlike the Sea of Okhotsk .

  2. 它是重要的国际航道灯塔。

    It is an important international sea land lighthouse .

  3. 作为国际航道,南海的航行是自由的,航道是安全的。

    Navigation in the South China Sea is free and the international shipping lanes are safe .

  4. 澜沧江&湄公河国际航道正式通航,开辟了西南地区新的对外运输通道。

    The Lancang-Mekong River international navigation route was formally opened to navigation , creating another outlet for southwest China .

  5. 我们将继续在亚丁湾打击海盗,为重要国际航道的安全保驾护航。

    We will continue to combat pirates in the Gulf of Aden and ensure safety of the important international sea lanes .

  6. 澜沧江-湄公河作为一条重要的国际航道,其国际航运的不断发展具有重要的经济意义和政治意义。

    Lancang river-Mekong river as an important international channel , the continuous development of the international shipping has important economic significance and political significance .

  7. 这也激起了美国的愤怒,美国声称其军事建造威胁该重要国际航道的航行自由。

    It has also earned the ire of the United States , whichsays a military buildup in the area will threaten the free transit ofstrategically important international waterways .

  8. 为了进一步防止海上事故,特别是防止油船事故引起水上环境污染,船舶交通管理系统的应用范围到70年代已发展到国际航道、广大沿岸海区、近海开发区。

    In order to further prevent accidents at sea , especially preventing tanker accident caused by water pollution , vessel traffic management system applications to 70 time has grown to international channel , the majority of coastal areas , offshore development zone .

  9. 为什么中国要干涉国际海运航道?因为中国也有其自己的海运贸易。

    Why would China interfere with shipping lanes it depends on for its own trade ?

  10. 北冰洋是欧、亚、北美三大洲的顶点,北极航道是欧洲、北美洲与东亚地区海上运输的捷径,方便的通航、资源开发和战略地位将使北极航道成为国际海运航道的一个主要部分。

    The Arctic Route is the shortcut throughout Europe , North America and East Asia when go in for maritime transport . Easy navigation , resource development and strategic position will make the Arctic Route become a major part of the international shipping course .

  11. 伦敦的国际海事局跟踪记录公海上发生的犯罪行为,该组织说,包括亚丁湾在内的索马里近海是世界各地最危险的国际航道。

    The London-based International Maritime Bureau , or IMB , an organization that tracks crimes on the high seas , says the waters off Somalia , including the Gulf of Aden , are the most dangerous in the world for international shipping .