
  • 网络International Mother Language Day
  1. 教科文组织及其合作伙伴庆祝国际母语日已有十四载。

    For 14 years now , UNESCO and its partners have celebrated International Mother Language Day .

  2. 值此国际母语日之际,让我们决心为此而共同努力。

    On this International Mother Language Day , let us pledge to work together in this direction .

  3. 国际母语日,我们要认识到母语的重要性并努力促进多语言使用和语言多样性。

    International Mother Language Day is a moment to recognize their importance and to mobilise for multilingualism and linguistic diversity .

  4. 国际母语日庆祝语言和文化的多样性以及多种语文的使用,它们是推动和平与可持续发展的力量。

    International Mother Language Day celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity alongside multilingualism as a force for peace and sustainable development .

  5. 2011年国际母语日的主题是利用信息与传播技术保护和促进语言与语言多样性。

    The theme of the 2011 International Mother Language Day concerns the use of information and communication technologies for safeguarding and promoting languages and linguistic diversity .

  6. 在“国际母语日”上,联合国教科文的一份报告指出,全球大约6700种语言中,约有半数正面临消失灭绝的危机。

    According to a UNESCO report on the International Mother Tongue Day , about half of the6,700 or so languages in the world are in danger of dying .

  7. 每年,联合国教科文组织成员国都会庆祝国际母语日。

    International Mother Language Day ( IMLD ) is observed every year by member states of the United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) .

  8. 十几年来,国际母语日为发挥语言的多种作用培养广义的人才、培养世界公民意识、让人人拥有参与社会生活和挑战的真正手段做出了贡献。

    International Mother Language Day has contributed for more than a decade to highlighting the many roles played by languages in shaping minds , in the broadest sense , and building a global citizenship where we all have the means of contributing to the lives and challenges of societies .