
ɡuó jì wèn tí
  • international issue
  1. 能源紧缺是长期性的国际问题,提高能源的利用率尤为重要。

    It is important to improve energy efficiency as the energy shortage is a long-term international issue .

  2. 就美国而言,这是一个国际问题。

    As far as the US is concerned , the Taiwan question is regarded as an international issue .

  3. 将会有一个国际问题调查工作组。

    There will be a working group on international issues .

  4. 他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。

    They 've published a lot of new books on international issues .

  5. 他专心研究国际问题。

    International affairs absorb his attention .

  6. 中国国际问题研究所(chinainstituteofinternationalstudies)的金林波表示:“中国希望将对话提升到更高层次两国政治关系正步入一个新阶段。”

    Jin LiNbO , of the China Institute of International Studies in Beijing , says : " China wants to elevate the dialogue to a higher level the political relationship is moving into a new phase . "

  7. 我认为奥巴马政府为这个决定作铺垫已经有相当长时间了,华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心(CenterforStrategicandInternationalStudies)的葛莱仪(BonnieGlaser)表示。

    I think the administration has been paving the way for this decision for quite some time , said Bonnie Glaser of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington .

  8. 这么做的一个结果是,提高了金砖四国(BRIC)中其它国家讨价还价的能力。如今这些国家处于许多国际问题的核心。

    One of the upshots of this is that it increases the bargaining power of the other BRICs , which are these days at the centre of so many international issues .

  9. 2002年6月,美国保守派学者罗伯特•卡根(RobertKagan)发表了一篇现在很有名的文章,声称在当今重要的战略和国际问题上,美国人来自火星,欧洲人来自金星。

    In June 2002 Robert Kagan , the conservative US scholar , published a now famous article asserting that on major strategic and international questions today , Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus .

  10. 尽管有关G2脱颖而出的说法忽视了金融外交日趋多边化的根基,但它的确反映了这样一种现实,即在越来越多的国际问题上,若美中之间不能达成协议,那就很难有所作为。

    While talk of an emerging G2 ignores the increasingly multilateral basis of financial diplomacy , it does reflect the reality that on a growing range of international issues , little can happen without agreement between the US and China .

  11. 在会谈中,他们讨论了共同关心的国际问题。

    During the talk they reviewed international problems of mutual interest .

  12. 主权问题是国际问题研究的重要组成部分。

    Sovereignty is an important topic of international studies .

  13. 国际问题研究的时间概念

    The Concept of Time in Studies of International Issues

  14. 外交官通过谈判解决了那个国际问题。

    The diplomat solved the international problem by negotiating .

  15. 其次,中欧处理国际问题的理念相近。

    Second , China and Europe follow similar principles in addressing international issues .

  16. 超越范式:国际问题研究的路径探微

    Transcendence of " the Paradigm ": An Exploration of the Approaches to International Studies

  17. 无论对国际问题,对国内问题,都要估计到两种可能。

    Both should be taken into consideration in dealing with international and domestic problems .

  18. 中国地缘战略的制定向来是一个重大的现实国际问题。

    Establishing the geo-strategy of China is always an important issue of the international politics .

  19. 在国际问题上双方有不少相同或相似的观点。

    Both sides have quite a lot of identical or similar viewpoints on international issues .

  20. 全球环境变化很可能成为下一个世纪最紧迫的国际问题。

    Global change may be one of the urgent international issues in the coming century .

  21. 处理国际问题必须以国家和民族利益为最高准则;

    Dealing with the international problem must regard the country and national benefit as supreme criterion ;

  22. 其它的健康打击涉及国际问题,因为需要人道主义援助。

    Other shocks to health take on international dimensions because of the need for humanitarian assistance .

  23. 著名国际问题专家金仲华担任第一任社长。

    Jin Zhonghua , a well-known expert on international issues , was the first president of CNS .

  24. 秘鲁国际问题研究中心

    Peruvian Centre for International Studies

  25. 会议将讨论包括叙利亚内战和伊朗核问题等首要国际问题。

    Top issues are expected to include the uprising in Syria and tensions over Iran 's nuclear program .

  26. 在当下全球背景下,对许多国际问题的分析和最终化解,地缘政治显得无能为力。

    In the global background , it is too weak for geopolitics to analyze and solve many international issues .

  27. 美方表示,美国致力于与其他国家共同努力应对所面临的最困难的国际问题。

    The United Statesstatedthat it is committed to working with other countries inaddressing themost difficult international problems they face .

  28. 中南两国在重大国际问题上保持着良好沟通和协调,我对此感到高兴。

    I am delighted to see that China and South Africa have maintained sound communication and coordination on major international issues .

  29. 塞浦路斯问题是二战后出现的最难解决的国际问题之&。

    Cyprus Problem , arose in the post-War years , is one of the most complicated international problems in the world .

  30. 实施大西线调水解决有关国际问题的思考

    Discussions on settling international disputes in the carring out of water channelling from southern China to northern China through the Grand West Line