
  • 网络King Garden;Kings Park;Kungstrdgrden;King's Park
  1. 所以我小心地往回走出城进入国王的花园。

    So I walked carefully back out of the city and into the King 's park .

  2. 好啦,5月第一个星期五的下午,伯莎来到国王的花园。国王的士兵看见了她漂亮的白裙和她的三枚好品行奖章,于是他们马上打开了通往花园的门。

    ' Well , on the first Friday afternoon in May , Bertha came to the king 's gardens , the king 's soldiers saw her beautiful white dress and her three medals for goodness , and they opened the doors to the gardens at once .

  3. 他现在生活得很愉快,常常到戏院去看戏,到国王的花园里去逛逛,送许多钱给穷苦的人们。这是一种良好的行为,因为他自己早已体会到,没有钱是多么可怕的事!

    However , he passed a very pleasant time ; went to the theatre , drove in the king 's garden , and gave a GREat deal of money to the poor , which was very good of him ; he remembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling .

  4. 国王还在宫廷花园里为这对鹦鹉专门安排了一个地方。

    The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots .

  5. 国王陛下,花园里有人说道:人们都在等着跟您告别呢。

    ' Your Majesty , 'said a voice from the garden . 'People are waiting to say goodbye . '

  6. 行人走到国王的御花园旁,他看见四周到处是被狂风吹落的树枝。

    While walking by the king 's pleasure garden , he saw that many branches had been blown off the trees and were lying all around .

  7. 达·芬奇在克鲁城堡度过了生命最后的时光,他在素描本上描绘那些超越时代的发明设计稿,为国王设计宫殿花园,完成之前拖延已久的画,包括《蒙娜丽莎》。

    At Cloux the artist spent the last years of his life drawing inventions on his sketchbooks , designing the king 's gardens and adding finishing strokes to some of his great pieces of work , including the Mona Lisa .

  8. 国王在城堡的花园中睡觉时突然离奇死去。

    The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle .

  9. 国王在城堡的花园中睡觉时突然离奇地死去,大家都认为他是被一条毒蛇给咬死的。

    The king died a strange death while he was sleeping in the garden of his castle . It was believed that he had been bitten to death by a poisonous snake .