
  • 网络the lifeline of the national economy
  1. 在我国,管道运输是事关国民经济命脉的五大运输方式之一。

    In China , the pipeline transportation is the lifeline of the national economy .

  2. 一方面,一些国有企业关系国民经济命脉,是我国经济发展的内在要求。

    On the one hand , some state-owned enterprise relationship of the lifeline of the national economy is the inherent requirement of economic development in our country .

  3. EEM公司是国家大型发电设备制造企业之一,作为涉及国家安全与国民经济命脉的重要骨干企业,肩负着国家大型发电设备的研发和制造重任。

    As a national key enterprise , which relates to state security and national economic lifeline , EEM shoulders the responsibility of research & development and manufacturing of state large power generating equipments .

  4. 航运业关系到我国国家安全和国民经济命脉。

    The shipping industry related to our national security and domestic economic lifelines .

  5. 航空产业是关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要战略性产业。

    Aviation industry is a strategic industry related to national security and civil economy .

  6. 电网是关系国民经济命脉的基础设施和重要资源。

    Power Gird is the infrastructure and important resource that related the vitals of national economy .

  7. 重型装备制造业是关系到国民经济命脉的重要支柱性产业。

    Heavy equipment manufacturing industry is an important pillar industry , which plays a significant role in national economy .

  8. 国有经济控制国民经济命脉,对经济发展起主导作用。

    The state-owned sector controls the life-blood of the national economy and plays a leading role in economic development .

  9. 焦炭作为炼焦生产过程的主要产品,是诸多国民经济命脉行业的重要原材料。

    As the final product of coking process , coke is the main raw material in many crucial industries for national economy .

  10. 石油是现代工业的血液,是关系到国民经济命脉和国家安全的重要战略性物资。

    As the lifeblood of modern industry , oil is an important strategic material which decide the national economy and national security .

  11. 然而,国有企业是掌控国民经济命脉的企业,其在国民经济中的重要地位是不言而喻的。

    However , state-owned enterprises which are in charge of the lifeline of national economy play an important role in the national economy .

  12. 有色金属冶炼行业是关系国民经济命脉的重要行业,电解铝是其重要的组成部分。

    Non-ferrous metal smelting industry is the important industry for the national economy ; Aluminum electrolysis is a major component of non-ferrous metal smelting industry .

  13. 反垄断法明确规定,如果收购涉及“国民经济命脉”或影响国家安全就可否决。

    The anti-monopoly law explicitly allows takeovers to be blocked if they are a " lifeline of the national economy " or on national security grounds .

  14. 其第7条引入了“国民经济命脉”这种奇怪的概念,显然,这些命脉需要从“国家安全”的角度保护起来。

    Article 7 introduces the strange concept of a " lifeline of the national economy " , to be protected as a matter of " national security " .

  15. 由于金融领域关系国民经济命脉,我国政府对于金融领域的市场准入一直实行较为严格的管制。

    Because finance field is in the vital position to the national economy , our government has implemented the strict management on the admittance to market in finance field .

  16. 矿产资源既是重要的生产、生活资料,又在国家战略安全、国民经济命脉中占据重要地位。

    The mineral resource is not only the important material of production and life but also occupies the important position in country strategy safety , lifelines of the national economy .

  17. 煤炭是我国最重要的能源之一,煤炭工业是关系能源安全和国民经济命脉的重要基础产业。

    Coal is one of the most important energy sources in our country . Accordingly coal industry appears as the vital industry in maintaining the energy security and national economy .

  18. 供电企业作为关系国家能源安全和国民经济命脉的重点骨干企业,肩负着重要的政治责任、经济责任和社会责任。

    As a key enterprise , power supply enterprises which are important to the national energy safety and economic lifeline , shoulder enormous responsibility of politics , economy and society .

  19. 自然垄断企业往往是掌握着国民经济命脉的公共企业,所以政府对这些企业的规制直接关系着公众的福祉和整个国民经济的效率。

    Naturally monopolized industries usually are public enterprises which dominate the life line of national economy , so regulation of these enterprises directly concerns the public welfare and the efficiency of the whole national economy .

  20. 电能是社会生产和人类发展的重要物质基础,是关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要战略资源,更关系到子孙后代的生存环境问题。

    Energy is the important material basis of social production and improvement , which relates with country security and country economy vitals . It is the key factor related to the living environment of offspring .

  21. 从20世纪40年代中期到70年代末,英国公有企业在深度和广度上都有了重大发展,并直接控制了国民经济命脉。

    From the middle of 40 's to the end of 70 's in the 20th century , the public owned enterprises in UK had experienced remarkable development and directly controlled the lifelines of national economy .

  22. 在现代服务业这个广阔的领域中,有相当一部分关系到国计民生,比如,金融服务业事关国民经济命脉;

    In this wide field of service trade , quite a few of concern the national economy and the people 's livelihood , For example , the financial services industry concerns the lifelines of the national economy ;

  23. 进入20世纪以来,石油已经成为关系到国民经济命脉和国际经济安全的重要战略物质,渗入到各国经济和人民生活的方方面面。

    Since the beginning of the 20th century , as an important strategic material which relates to the lifeline of the national economy and international economic security , petroleum has infiltrated into the economy and every aspect of life .

  24. 作为支撑当今国民经济命脉之一的建筑业,承载着负担国家基础建设、提升国内生产总值的重要使命,是关系我国社会主义现代化事业建设的重要产业。

    The construction industry , as one of supporting lifelines of the national economy , bears the important mission of the national infrastructure and improving gross domestic product , and it is an important industry in socialism modernize build of China .

  25. 国有企业特别是大中型骨干企业是我国工业和国有经济的强大支柱,始终控制着国民经济命脉,是我国经济综合实力的重要体现。

    State enterprises , especially large and medium-size key enterprises , are strong pillars of industry and state-owned economy of our country , and consistently control the national economy life-line , as an important symbol of economy comprehensive strength of our country .

  26. 面临入世后2006年金融业全面开放的巨大挑战,作为国民经济命脉的中国银行业先天不足,步履蹒跚。

    Being confronted with the enormous challenge that the finance job opens to all over the world in 2006 after going into WTO , the banking of China , as the lifelines of the national economy , is congenitally deficient , walking haltingly .

  27. 现阶段,我国经济正在进行战略性调整,国企从竞争性领域退出,向关系国民经济命脉的重要行业、关键领域和优势产业集中。

    At the present , economy in our country is carrying on strategic adjustment , the state-owned enterprise withdraws from the competitive field and centralizes in the important trades , key fields and advantage industry , which are very important to the national economy .

  28. 推翻旧政权后,国家在掌握国民经济命脉的同时,应允许发展中小规模的私人企业、引进外资,发展国家资本主义经济,这是我国社会主义必须经历的阶段;

    The medium and small sized private enterprises should be allowed to develop and foreign capital should be introduced to develop state capitalist economy after overthrowing the old power and the state has mastered the national economy . This is the stage which our socialism must be experienced .

  29. 发电设备制造业作为电力工业的基础,对匹配电力工业的发展、提高人民生活水平、增强国家综合实力有着积极而深远的影响,被确定为关系国家安全及国民经济命脉的重要产业。

    As the basis of power industry , power generating equipment manufacturing industry has a positive and far-reaching impact for matching development of the power industry and enhancing national competitive power , so it is identified as an important industry related to national security and national economic lifelines .

  30. 在我国,国有企业掌握着国民经济命脉,关系着国家经济发展的成败兴衰,因此国有企业风险管理的创新和发展更牵动着中国所有企业的前途和命运。

    The State-owned enterprises control the life line of national economy , and relate the prosperity and decline of national economy development in our country . Therefore , the innovation and development of the State-owned enterprises ' risk management affect the future and destiny of all the Chinese Enterprises .