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  1. 《国语解》的训释方法。

    Three , Guo YU Jie release the training method .

  2. 本文分析了《国语解》的史学价值,指出了其在中国史学编撰史中的学术地位。

    This article analyzed the historiographical value of Guo Yu Jie and pointed out its academic position in composing the history of the Chinese historiography .

  3. 辽、金史《国语解》是其编撰者所独创的史著编撰形式,体现了《辽史》、《金史》的民族史特色,同时也反映了其作者把握历史特点的史识。

    Guo Yu Jie is a novel form of historiography reflecting the national characteristics of the Liao and Jin periods and the author 's understanding of historical features .

  4. 但由于历史原因,其著述除《国语解》至今尚存,其余大多散佚流失,仅有部分佚文存于古注、类书等古籍之中。

    But because of historical reasons , the writings in addition to Guo YU Jie is still save , the rest mostly but still stored at loss , only parts of the lost text exist in the ancient note , books , etc of ancient books .