
  • 网络tourist trap
  1. 度假的KasrIbrim为您提供了一种不同的看法的想法蜜月埃及,调音台的历史,用较少的地区的旅游陷阱,豪华这是一个小冷门推荐。

    Holidaying on the Kasr Ibrim gives you a different take on the idea of a honeymoon to Egypt , mixing the history of the area with fewer tourist traps for luxury that 's a little off the beaten track .

  2. 需要证据证明你已经落入善意的旅游陷阱了吗?

    Need proof that you 've fallen into a bona fide tourist trap ?

  3. 巴黎的旅游陷阱靠的就是每名游客只会来一次,因此怎么对待顾客都不会有影响。

    Parisian tourist traps work on the theory that each tourist only comes once , so you can mistreat him with impunity .

  4. 一个小镇或城市大受欢迎,似乎常常会带来声名的衰落。佛罗伦萨并非唯一,希腊的科孚岛同样被批为旅游陷阱。

    Florence isn 't alone - a town or city 's popularity can often be its downfall it seems , with Corfu in Greece also criticised for being a tourist trap .

  5. 你会了解当地的讯息,诸如哪里的咖啡最好,要避免哪些旅游陷阱,还有如何最大化从你所在的城市获益。

    You 'll pick up local knowledge such as where sells the best coffee , what tourist traps to avoid and how to get the most out of your new city .

  6. 就像你在自己的城市浏览团购网找实惠一样,搜一搜目的地城市当地的贸易情况,你将有一次真正的毫无旅游陷阱的旅行体验。

    Just as you may check out daily deal websites to find good deals in your city , search for local deals in your destination city and you 'll have a more authentic experience devoid of tourist trappings .

  7. 浏览我们制作的世界十佳旅游城市榜单,掌握辨别最吸引人的旅游地和旅游陷阱的技巧。

    Consult our list of the world 's 10 most touristy cities to distinguish the best tourist attractions from the worst tourist traps .