
  • 网络tourism planning
  1. 城市事件旅游策划形式、类型、内容、强度等多方面都存在着明显的地域差异。

    Regional diversities exist in urban event tourism planning .

  2. 第四部分分析了影响江南水乡古镇文化旅游策划的因素。

    The fourth part analyzes the factors which will influence the cultural tourism planning .

  3. 也许你的女儿在旅游策划方面能大有前途。

    Maybe your daughter has a future in travel planning .

  4. 旅游策划创新中存在的问题及对策探讨

    Problems and Solutions for Innovation in Tourism Planning

  5. 对旅游策划和旅游规划的思考

    Pondering over Tourist Plotting & Tourist Planning

  6. 包括城镇功能的定位、旅游策划、空间布局、交通组织等方面。

    Including the functions of the location , travel planning , spatial distribution , transportation and other areas .

  7. 第三部分在相关学科的理论和新的研究方法基础上,提出了文化旅游策划的原则。

    The third part are mainly concerned with principles of the cultural tourism planning at the ancient water towns in southern Yangtze River .

  8. 区域旅游形象策划的RIS框架构建

    A RIS Framework to Forge Regional Tourism Identity

  9. 密云水库上游水源涵养林效益的研究基于TDIS框架的旅游形象策划探讨&以青海黄河上游水上游览带为例

    Study on the Benefits of the Water-reserving Forest in the Upper Reaches of Miyun Reservoir Discussion on the Tourism Image Planning Based on TDIS Framework

  10. 上午八时三十分,游客登上两艘游船,沿弯曲的漓江畅游五小时。基于TDIS框架的旅游形象策划探讨&以青海黄河上游水上游览带为例

    At 8:30 a.m. , the tourists boarded two pleasure ships and enjoyed a delightful tour of the winding Lijiang River for five hours . Discussion on the Tourism Image Planning Based on TDIS Framework

  11. 旅游展览策划与设计的几个问题

    Several Problems Concerning the Planning and Design of Tourism Exhibitions

  12. 重庆市江北区旅游形象策划探讨

    Discussion on tourism image planning of Jiangbei District of Chongqing

  13. 城市旅游形象策划

    A Case Study of the Scheming of Urban Tourist Images

  14. 兰州市旅游形象策划初探

    A tentative study on the design of the urban tourism image in Lanzhou

  15. 旅游项目策划初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Planning for Tourism Projects

  16. 地方旅游节庆策划研究

    A Research on Local Tourism Festival Planning

  17. 神话传说与历史文化名城旅游形象策划&以宜宾为例

    Mortal 's Legends and Tourism Image Plan for HCC : Taking Yibin as an Example

  18. 长江三峡坝区旅游产品策划研究

    A Research on Tourism Products Planning in Three Gorges Projects Dam Area of Changjiang River

  19. 哈尔滨旅游形象策划研究

    The Research of Harbin Traveling Image Plans

  20. 浅析旅游开发策划

    Preliminary Analysis on Tourism Development Plotting

  21. 民族旅游节庆策划研究&以桂林龙胜各族自治县为例

    Planning of Festivals for Nationality Tourism

  22. 民族旅游节庆策划新创意主要体现在策划的新思路、新模式、新措施等方面。

    The key of organizing meaningful festivals for tourists lies in new ideas , new modes and new measures .

  23. 体验经济视角下旅游项目策划是更为贴近游客、更具有操作性、更能实现经济价值的措施,是体验经济时代的必然产物。

    Tour item planning is a kind of measure close to visitor , more operational with effective economy value in the period of experience economy .

  24. 第三章从事件活动和事件旅游规划策划的角度出发,对事件活动的组织运作,政府在事件中的职能作用以及事件活动规划进行了理论研究。

    The third chapter , from the angle of planning of event and event tourism , studies the organization 's operation of event and the role of government in the event .

  25. 基础层面是区域旅游形象策划的基础,包括地方性分析、旅游市场研究、旅游者感知分析、旅游资源调查分析、形象替代分析;

    The basic layer is the foundation of building a regional tourist destination image , which includes " place " analysis , tourism market study , tourists ' perception analysis , tourist resources survey and analysis .

  26. 旅游节庆策划研究采用规范研究与实证研究相结合的研究方法,以湖南省旅游节为主要案例,穿插引用各类节庆活动支持理论分析,既注重个案分析的深度研究,又兼顾系统归纳的广度研究。

    The Research on Festivals and Special Events Planning with the Case Study of Hunan Tourism Festival . With the example of Hunan Tourism Festival , the article uses the normative method and case method together , and adds various festival activitis to support theories analysis .

  27. 并以内蒙古自治区为例,论述了区域旅游形象策划的设计方法,构建了一个包括理念基础、整体形象、宣传口号、产品形象等较为全面的旅游形象系统。

    Taking Inner Mongolia autonomous region as example , the author discusses the way to design the tourism image and establishes the fairly comprehensive tourism image system of Inner Mongolia autonomous region , concluding the mind location , whole image , propagating slogans , product image and so on .

  28. 在两层次策划基础上,进行区域旅游品牌打造策划,这是RIS框架的延伸;

    Brand developing as an extension of the RIS framework ;

  29. 主题的物化,主要体现在旅游产品的策划。

    Materializing is by using of the planning of tourism product .

  30. 舟山旅游整体形象策划探讨

    Discussion about the Scheme of Entire Image of Zhoushan Tourism