
  • 网络special geological conditions;special geology
  1. 特殊地质条件下桥梁深桩基钻孔方法的选择

    Selection of Boring Method for Deep Pile Foundation under Special Geological Conditions

  2. 特殊地质条件下桥梁桩基的施工工艺探讨

    Discussion on construction technology for bridge pile foundation at special geological conditions

  3. 最后对小净距隧道的适用条件和范围进行了分析,提出在特殊地质条件下应与其它隧道型式进行综合比选后采用。NET环境下用C实现Web服务的具体实例。

    Finally carried on the analysis about the suitable condition and scope of the short net distance tunnel , proposed that should carry on synthesis alternative option with the other pattens tunnel before used under special geological condition .

  4. 混杂堆积(Mélange)②不是孤立的地质现象,它是一种在特定地质历史时期、特定地质条件下的特殊地质体。

    M é lange is not an isolated geological phenomenon but a kind of specific geological body formed under particular geological conditions in a certain period .

  5. 根据工程的特殊地质条件,文章应用了CFG桩复合地基,并将截面设计成楔型,降低了造价,取得了较好的社会效益和经济效益。

    According to the special geology of the project , this paper makes use of the compound foundation of CFG pile and design the section as wedge model , so it cuts down the cost and obtains better social and economic benefit .

  6. 铜陵地区现代岩溶发育深度一般在200m以内,但在特殊地质块段存在着埋藏深度更大的岩溶,它的存在对地下水资源的开采和深埋矿床的开采具有重要意义。

    In Tongling area . the modern karst is formed at the depth of 200m , but still deeper karsts are hidden in special sections of the area , which are worth of notice for the mining of groundwater resources and deep-lying deposits .

  7. 大口径、高工压、平行双线PCCP在大型引水项目中是理想的选择,文中介绍了平行双线PCCP在特殊地质条件下的施工全过程,可供同类工程参考和借鉴。

    The parallel double PCCP with large diameter and high pressure is the ideal selection in the large-scale water diversion project . In this paper , the whole construction process of parallel double PCCP in the peculiar geology condition is introduced .

  8. 实践说明,从定量分析的角度确定最佳因素,改善了浅层资料的质量,保护了50Hz的有效信息不受损害,提高了对特殊地质体的分辨能力,突出了大倾角反射。

    It is shown from the practice that the optimum acquisition parameters determined by quantitative analysis can keep 50 Hz effective seismic wave , improve shallow data and the resolution of special geologic bodies , and enhance high dip reflec - tions .

  9. 浅谈特殊地质层沉井下沉的施工方法

    Construction method for drilled caisson sinking subsidence in special geological stratification

  10. 特殊地质条件的铁路基础设计山区复杂地质条件下的基础工程

    The Groundwork Design of Iron Tower on Special Geological Conditions

  11. 特殊地质条件下塔式起重机基础的设计

    Design of Tower Crane Foundation on the Special Geological Condition

  12. 特殊地质条件下桥梁沉井基础施工方法的研究

    Research on Construction Method of Bridge Caisson Foundation under Special Geologic Condition

  13. 具有特殊地质地貌的黄山风景区雷电环境分析

    Analysis of Lightning Environment in Huangshan Scenic Area with Special Geological Features

  14. 特殊地质灾害对井筒的破坏及对策

    Failure of shaft caused by special geologic hazards and corresponding prevention measures

  15. 推覆体下特厚煤层开采的特殊地质灾害问题

    Special Geological Disaster in Mining of Extra Thick Coal Bed under Nappe

  16. 特殊地质条件下龙潭隧道的围岩稳定性数值研究

    Numerical Study on the Stability of Longtan Long Tunnel under Problematic Geological Conditions

  17. 应用相干体技术研究生产矿井中的特殊地质体

    Specific Geological Body Investigation in Producing Coalmine by the Use of Coherence Technique

  18. 广州地铁特殊地质土压平衡盾构施工方法

    EPB Shield Driving through Special Strata on Guangzhou Subway

  19. 特殊地质条件下的大口径管道定向钻穿越施工技术

    Construction Technology of Large Diameter Pipeline Crossing with Directional Drilling under Special Geological Condition

  20. 特殊地质条件下挖孔桩的处理方法

    Treatments for Excavation Filling Pile in Special Conditions

  21. 锚杆支护技术在特殊地质条件下的应用

    Application of Bolting Support under Special Geological Conditions

  22. 台湾特殊地质区水土保持工法之运用

    Application of Techniques Used for soil and Water Conservation in Special Soils in Taiwan

  23. 特殊地质条件下桩基础质量监理初探

    The Initial Research on the Quality Supervision of Stake Basis under Special Geological Condition

  24. 特殊地质条件下施打预制桩的问题及处理方法

    Some problems and treatment methods of precast pile driving under special engineering geological conditions

  25. 特殊地质情况下大直径、超长钻孔灌注桩成孔工艺

    Bore-Forming Technology for Large Diameter and Extra Long Bored Pile under Special Geological Conditions

  26. 特殊地质条件下采用孔底微差爆破技术的挖孔嵌岩桩施工

    Hand excavated piling on embedded rock with short delay blasting at special geological conditions

  27. 露天矿山特殊地质地形条件下的岩石穿孔爆破方案优化

    Optimization of drilling and blasting plan for surface mining in complex geological and topographical conditions

  28. 特殊地质条件下的桩基施工

    Pile Foundation Construction under Special Geological Conditions

  29. 三峡泄洪坝段特殊地质条件下的帷幕灌浆施工

    Curtain Grouting under Special Geological Condition

  30. 对特殊地质地段的地下涌水作好预测,并作好技术处理应对措施。

    The underground water-inrush of particular geology zone should be pre-estimated and technical measures should be done .