
  • 网络Specific elements;Specific Factor;specialized factor
  1. 中美纺织品贸易摩擦及美方利益集团分析&基于特定要素模型的解释

    The Disintegration of American Beneficial Consortium in the Sino-USA Apparel Trading Frictions : A Perspective of the Specific Factor Model

  2. 特定要素强度指数在改革开放前除了劳动投入外增长率均为负,而改革开放后均为正值。

    The average rates of growth in the index of specific factor intensity are negative expect for labor input in the pre-reform , but both are positive in the post-reform .

  3. 正确解读萨缪尔森-琼斯的特定要素贸易理论

    An Interpretation on the Samuelson-Jones Specific Factors Model

  4. 课堂德育情境即课堂中对德育效果产生直接影响的,由特定要素构成的有一定道德教育意义的氛围和环境。

    The construction of classroom moral context means to construct an instructive atmosphere or environment that consist of some elements which affect moral education directly .

  5. 它指学生就学校教育情境(或其特定要素)对自身存在价值的作用进行评估而产生的防御性焦虑。

    It refers to a defensive anxiety generated by the assessment of students about the effect of school education context ( or specific elements ) on their inherent value .

  6. 文章通过对刑法身份的法定性和利益性进行的分析,指出刑法中的身份即指刑法规定的一定犯罪行为人实施侵犯某种社会利益的行为而具有个人之特定要素。

    By analyzing the lawful and profitable aspects of status in criminal law , this paper points out that status in criminal law refers to the particular individualized elements featured when certain criminal offender violates some social interests .

  7. 统一建模语言(UnifiedModelingLanguage,UML)的引入是期待已久的了,因为它包含了符合服务规范的特定设计要素。

    The introduction of the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) was long-anticipated , because it contains certain design elements that lend themselves well to the specification of services .

  8. 自动测试过程中特定行为要素的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Special Action Factor in Automatic Testing

  9. 产业特定性要素的空间集聚导致不同产业在某一特定空间的生存竞争力有差异,从而导致同类产品生产企业空间集聚的专业化产业区出现。

    As a result , the agglomeration of industry-specific factors increases the competitive advantage of specific industry , so as to cause the origination of SIDs .

  10. 过去,浙江省最具竞争力的,只能是劳动要素密集的制造业,这是在特定的要素禀赋结构下所难以逾越的阶段。

    In the past , the most competitiveness in Zhejiang Province is the labor-intensive manufacturing , which is a particular insurmountable stage in the factor endowment structure of that time .

  11. 模块是具有一定功能和特定结合要素的零件、组件和部件,模块化产品是由一组特定模块在一定范围内组成不同功能或功能相同而性能不同的产品。

    Mold-blocks are spare parts , modules and components of certain functions and combining key elements . Mold-block products are products made of a group of special mold-blocks , forming different functions , or same function but different properties .

  12. 传统要素禀赋理论强调国家间的贸易模式取决于要素禀赋的差异,比较优势来源于特定生产要素数量的相对充裕度,是国际分工和开展贸易的基础。

    Traditional factor endowments theory emphasizes that trade patterns between two countries depends on the factor endowment differences . Comparative advantage comes from the relative abundant quantity of specific factors , which is the basis of international division of labor and international trade .

  13. 刑法中的身份,是指刑法规定的,影响犯罪主体定罪量刑的特定的个人要素。

    The status of criminal is specific Individual elements by Criminal law which impacting Conviction and sentencing .

  14. 集群企业实现高成长需要构建一个有效的地方网络,地方网络的构建要求企业具备特定的能力要素。

    To achieve high growth , clustered firms need an effective local network and some special capability elements to sustain the operation of local network .

  15. 以理由说明为基本话语功能的连接语尾(?)在某些特定的语境要素影响下还表现出辩解、追究、斥责等外延功能。

    Under the influence of some factors in specific context , the connection ending " - killae " displayed allegation , inquisition , reprobation and other functions based on the discourse function about reason illustration .

  16. 一国的国家形象是各构成要素相互作用和整合的结果,是一种综合体现,只是有时在一定的历史或特定时期某一要素占据主导而表现为国际社会所认知的某一国家形象。

    Practically , the national image of a country is the comprehensive phenomenon of the respective constituents and the result of integration , although some certain factors during the certain stage of history dominates and becomes the national image after getting the international community acknowledgements .

  17. 当特定的属性或方法不适用于特定类型的UI要素时,属性值为“don'tcare”。

    When a particular property or method is not applicable to a particular type of UI element , the property becomes a " don 't care " value .

  18. 规范不但针对特定的任务科目提供了相应的飞行品质客观评定指标,而且针对特定的任务作业要素提供了评定方法。

    In handing qualities criteria , not only the requests for assessing UAV 's handing qualities should be mounted , but also the methods for the special task element MTE should be mounted .