
  • 网络special toxicity;Specific toxicity;special test;special toxic reaction
  1. 目前,关于Dip的特殊毒性尚未见报道。

    At present , there is still no report about special toxicity of Dip .

  2. 铊的特殊毒性研究

    Studies of Special Toxicity on Thallium

  3. 目的初步评价罗红霉素注射液的基础毒性和特殊毒性。方法进行了急性毒性试验、骨髓细胞微核试验和精子畸形试验。

    In order to evaluate the safety and mutagenicity of roxithromycin injection , acute toxicity , bone marrow micronucleus test and spermatogenic malformation test were determined .

  4. 采用最大耐受量和致畸胎试验方法,对自拟补肾促产中药复方进行了最大耐受量测定和特殊毒性研究。

    By means of safety limit and teratogenicity test , we conducted study of safety limit and special toxicity in Chinese medicinal compound of enriching the kidney and promoting reproduction .

  5. 持久性有机污染物因具有特殊的毒性和污染性,引起各国政府和公众的高度关注,已被公认为全球性的环境有毒有机污染物。

    The persistant organic pollutants ( POPs ) have been thought as the global pollutants for its special toxicity and contamination .

  6. 而铝是一种具有特殊生物毒性的致毒因子,所以,铝含量的测定对于人们生活质量有着重要意义。

    But the aluminum is an intoxicating factor with special bio-toxicity , thus , the determination of aluminum content is very important for quality of life .

  7. 过渡金属和重金属具有特殊的毒性,快速准确的同时测定多组分样品,尤其是测定高离子强度样品中的离子,在生态环境方面具有重要的意义。

    Transition metals and heavy metal are special toxic . It is very important to determine several ions at the same time , especially for the samples in strong ionic strength .

  8. 乌头类中药在中医治疗中已被广泛使用,具有强心、升压、镇痛、抗炎等多种药理作用,该类药物毒性很大,常用药物生川乌、生草乌、生附子属于国家特殊管理的毒性中药。

    Many kinds of aconite root were applied widely in Chinese traditional therapy , with pharmacologic actions , such as stimulating heart , boosting pressure , analgesia and anti-inflammatory action .