
  • 网络positive column;anode area;anodes;anodic area
  1. 对比试验发现,在腐蚀型测试介质中(模拟城市酸雨),阳极区可以观察到氧化现象,但是由于BiTA对铜锈的稳定作用,峰值电流明显降低。

    The compared experiments find that in the corroding type of testing medium ( acid rain of a simulated city ), the oxygenation can be observed in the anodic area , but because the BiTA stabilize the copper , the peak value of the electric current is obviously reduced .

  2. 随着温度的升高,阳极区的致钝电流明显增大,说明温度升高,钝化膜形成的难度增加。

    The passive current in the anodic area had obviously increased with the increasing of temperature .

  3. 而未掺杂的透明阳极区则形成电流漏。

    Meanwhile , the undoping transparent part of the anode forms a current drain .

  4. 对于裸钢体系,由于阴阳极极化作用,使得电偶腐蚀驱动力减小,偶合电流密度逐渐减小,并且随着浸泡的进行,阳极区会发生转移。

    For the bare system , the driving force of the couple and the galvanic current density were decreased by the polarization . The zone of the anode and the cathode changed during the immersion .

  5. 通过分析电池的放电曲线和极化曲线,指出阳极区电子输出是限制微生物燃料电池功率和电流输出的主要瓶颈。

    By determining the discharge curve of a biofuel cell and polarization curve of electrodes , we pointed out that the amount of electron transferred to anode was the main bottleneck of a biofuel cell .

  6. 电解金属锰用铅阳极三相区MnO2短路烧蚀及其防治

    Short-circuit burning of lead anode for electrolyzing manganese metal ( emm ) by mno_2 in three phase and burning prevention

  7. 通过实验发现从电晕放电到辉光放电存在着明显的中间过渡过程,表现为出现带有直流成分的Trichel脉冲。这一现象的出现与阳极辉区的出现有着密切的联系。

    It is found that there is a transitional phase characterized by Trichel pulse with DC component between corona and glow discharge .

  8. 在阴极背面辉光区、阴极鞘层区、正柱区以及阳极辉光区中分别选择一点进行了转动分辨的发射光谱的测量。

    Cathode sheath ; positive column and anode glow region .

  9. 不同厚度隔膜处理不会影响极板电极电位高低,也不会影响阳极反应区电极电位大小,但能提高三维电极体系还原区的还原能力。

    Vice versa . The treatment of thickening septum can improve the reducing power of three-dimensional ( electrode ) reducing area but cannot impact electrode potential of anode electrode , cathode electrode and anode reaction area .

  10. 一种增加SOFC阳极三相反应区的方法

    A Method for Increasing the Three-phase Reaction Boundaries in Anode of SOFC

  11. 根据唯象方程,推导出试验条件下阴极和阳极扩散反应区的不同原子净流量和界面IMC的生长速率表达式。

    In electromigration , the expressions to atomic flux and Ni-Sn IMC growth rate have been derived from the phenomenological equations .

  12. 处于不同区域的电连接试片间形成电偶腐蚀,全浸区独立试片在电偶中为阳极,潮差区试片和飞溅区试片在电偶中为阴极;

    The couple corrosion is formed between electrically connected test pieces in different zones , the test piece in full immersion zones is anode in couple , the test piece in tide range and splash zones is cathode in couple ;

  13. 针对停车期间酸是否循环提出不同的应对措施,以使酸冷却器位于阳极保护的安全区,确保钝化膜的稳定,延长设备的使用寿命。

    Various measures were taken depending on whether acid circulated or not to keep the acid cooler in the safe area of anodic protection with a stable passive film and thereby lone service life .

  14. 在这一区域内,阳极位降、阳极位降区厚度主要由放电电流和气体压强所决定。

    In this region , its thickness and potential fall are mainly determined by discharge current and gas pressure .

  15. 阴、阳极板电极电位的差值决定了阴、阳极反应区电极电位的变化方向。

    The difference between anode electrode potential and cathode electrode potential decided the change trend of electrode potential of the reaction area .

  16. 介绍了外加电源的阴极保护法和牺牲阳极的阴极保护法的保护原理、工作特点及应用范围;介绍了阴极保护站站址及阳极区的选择方法、管道阴极保护站保护范围和保护电流的确定;

    The essay introduced the protective principles , working principles and the application scope of the cathode protective methods which are the outside added electrical source and the sacrifice source and the sacrifice anode .