
zhì hòu
  • lag;delay;hysteresis
滞后 [zhì hòu]
  • [lag] 一个现象与另一密切相关的现象相对而言的落后迟延;尤指物理上的果没有及时跟着因而出现,或指示器对所记录的改变了的情况反应迟缓

  • 电流滞后于电压

滞后[zhì hòu]
  1. 基于减弱信息量滞后影响的RED算法

    The RED Algorithm that bases on do effect of decreasing information lag

  2. pH值控制过程具有非线性、大滞后等特点。

    The process of the pH control is non-linear and large lag .

  3. 这个国家在科研方面仍然大大滞后。

    This country is still trailing badly in scientific research .

  4. 她正在承受着冲击所带来的滞后反应。

    She 's suffering a delayed reaction to the shock .

  5. 这项工作比计划滞后了22周。

    The work is 22 weeks behind schedule

  6. 总之,感应电动势滞后于电流。

    In a word , the induced e. m. f. lags behind the current .

  7. 电流滞后于电压。

    The current lags behind the voltage .

  8. 该市的服务业发展滞后。

    The city 's service industry is lagging behind .

  9. 当前中国仍存在经济剧烈波动的可能,其根源在于关键领域改革的滞后。

    In addition , the main reason of china 's economic fluctuation in21st century is the stagnation of the transition in some key fields .

  10. 如果我们忽视了这些方面中任何一个,孩子的发展就会滞后。

    " If we neglect any of these areas , the child 's development lags . "

  11. 传统的经济理论认为,就业在预测经济时是一个相对滞后的指数。

    Traditional economic theory contends that employment tends to be a lagging indicator1 for economic recovery .

  12. 问什么责?办法明确的问责内容主要包括六类情形:一是贯彻落实国家教育政策不坚决不彻底。二是履行教育职责不到位。三是教育攻坚任务完成严重滞后。

    The guideline categorizes those activities into six types : lack of resolve and commitment in implementing4 national education policies , poor fulfillment of educational responsibilities , delay in completion of education tasks , irregularities in running educational institutions ,

  13. 经卸载后加固RC梁的滞后应变影响分析

    Analysis on Effect of Post-strain in Strengthening RC Beam after Unloading

  14. Ni-Ti-Nb宽滞后记忆合金的机械加工

    The machining of Ni Ti NB shape memory alloy with wide hysteresis

  15. 在PID校正中着重加强微分超前调节作用,缓解了系统相位滞后的问题,从而使系统得到较好的稳定度和响应速度。

    It focuses on differentiation in PID adjustment , amends the phase lag problem and gets better systematic stability and response speed .

  16. 针对几种不稳定滞后过程,给出一种预测PID控制器的结构形式。

    A kind of predictive PID ( PPID ) controller for several types of unstable plus time delay processes is ( proposed . )

  17. VO2薄膜相变及其温度滞后

    Phase Transition and Transition Temperature Hysteresis of VO_2 Thin Film

  18. 采用模糊PID控制方法对锅炉燃烧系统进行控制,对具有大滞后特性的锅炉更具有显著控制效果。

    It is better for the control effect of the boiler with severe lag characters that the burning system of the boiler is under the fuzzy PID control .

  19. 随着我国加入WTO,我国的经济和对外贸易将更加快速的发展,这为我国的集装箱运输带来更广阔的前景。但是,辽宁省集装箱运输发展明显滞后,主要体现在:集装箱航线较少;

    Since China entered WTO , the country 's economy and foreign trade have accelerated developments , which brings a much more broader prospect for the country 's container shipping industry .

  20. 通过引入改进的PID控制算法,有效地改善了炉温大滞后过程启动和间歇大扰动的动态品质。

    The improved PID algorithm is introduced , and it efficiently improves the dynamic quality of control process of temperature in oven with long time delay and big intermittent interference .

  21. 仿真结果表明:当被控对象存在较大纯滞后、时间常数特性时,采用本方法优化PID控制器参数可获得比较满意的调节效果。

    The simulated result shows that the step-respond of PID controller parameters tuned by this method is satisfied when the controlled object contains a bigger time delay and large time constant characteristics .

  22. 对象具有纯滞后的离散MRACS设计

    A Kind of Design Scheme for the Discrete MRACS with Time Delay

  23. 保持Ni含量不变,增加Mn,降低Ga含量会使马氏体相变温度明显提高,同时相变滞后温区减小,居里温度基本不变。

    The martensitic transformation temperatures could be considerably increased by increasing Mn and decreasing Ga with fixed Ni content , while the temperature hysteresis becomes narrow and Curie temperature keeps constant .

  24. 对于带非零均值相关噪声的线性离散随机系统,基于Kalman滤波器和射影理论,提出了新的最优固定点、固定区间和固定滞后Kalman平滑器。

    Based on the Kalman filter and projection theory , the new optimal fixed-point , fixed-interval and fixed-lag Kalman smoothers are presented for systems with correlated noises having non - zero means .

  25. 提出了一种零电压零电流开关PWMDC/DC全桥变换器,该变换器实现了超前桥臂的零电压开关和滞后桥臂的零电流开关。

    Proposes a Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current-Switching ( ZVZCS ) PWM DC / DC full-bridge converter , which realizes ZVS for leading leg and ZCS for lagging leg . The operation principle and parameter design is analyzed .

  26. 利用土柱实验结果识别了NH4+在实验土样中的迁移滞后系数并建立了NH4的一维迁移模型。

    The transport lag coefficient of NH4 + in soils was determined by the soil column experiment and the one-dimension transport model was established .

  27. 采用了广义最小方差自校正控制算法,具有时变滞后的极点自校正PID算法,极点对消直接PID三种算法进行了仿真与现场试验研究。

    Three control algorithms were used : the wide-sense minimum variance self-tuning control , the time-varying , time-delay pole assignment self-tuning PID control and the pole cancelled direct PID control . Simulation studies and experimental investigations were made .

  28. 其特征是自相关函数具有高阶的滞后,并且以缓慢的双曲率衰减,而不是以标准的ARMA过程的指数率衰减。

    Its autocorrelations at very high lags , decay at a slower , hyperbolic rate , rather than at the exponential rate in a standard ARMA process .

  29. 由于传统DR算法存在太多短时间不一致,而本地滞后技术不允许多个用户同时对一个对象进行操作,本文提出了采用时间扭曲状态修复机制的基于本地滞后的一致性控制技术。

    Because traditional DR algorithm had many short time inconsistency and local lag technology could not support multiple participants to operate one entity in same time , time warp based state repairing mechanism was presented .

  30. 恒电场下BaTiO3陶瓷压痕裂纹的滞后扩展

    Delayed propagation of indentation cracks in a batio_3 ceramic under sustained field