
zhì qī fèi
  • demurrage charges
滞期费[zhì qī fèi]
  1. 如果展商要求保留集装箱返程,滞期费将被记入借方知道货轮离岗。

    If exhibitor requires to keep the container for return shipment , container demurrage charges will be debited to exhibitor till date of vessel departure .

  2. 备注:如果展商不要求留下集装箱作返程之用,则展商应支付从轮船到达到展会开始期间的集装箱滞期费;

    Remarks : Exhibitors have to pay the container demurrage charges as from date of arrival vessel till show opening date under the circumstance exhibitor not require to keep the container for return .

  3. 近年来,尤其是我国加入WTO后,随着航运市场的日益繁荣,港口建设往往跟不上市场发展的脚步,最终导致港口拥挤越来越严重,滞期费问题也随之凸现。

    In recent years , especially after China entered into WTO , port construction was always lagging behind the pace of market development as the ship market grew more and more prosperous , which led to the growing globe ports congestion and demurrage disputes .

  4. 同时,提出滞期费等式这一新概念。

    The author also proposes a new concept : demurrage equality .

  5. 非承租人的船舶滞期费和迟延损害赔偿责任

    The Non-charterers ' Liability for Demurrage and Damages for Ship 's Detention

  6. 也许你现在还得支付滞期费。

    Maybe you now have to pay a late fee , too .

  7. 滞期费和延滞损失是不定期船业务中很重要的两个概念。

    Is it possible to delay cargo releasing and caused the demurrage charges .

  8. 滞期费纠纷是航次租船下发生频率最频繁的纠纷态势之一。

    Demurrage dispute is one of the most frequent occurrences in the voyage charterparty .

  9. 浅谈提单下的滞期费索赔

    Claim for Demurrage under Bill of Lading

  10. 国际贸易中的滞期费问题

    Demurrage problem in international trade

  11. 论滞期费的性质

    On the nature of demurrage

  12. 由此产生的费用及滞期费/滞留费将由发货人或者收货人承担。

    Besides shipments / consignments will accrue demurrage / detention which will all be at the cost of the Shipper / importer .

  13. 卖方应按照租船契约的条款和条件向买方支付在装货港产生的滞期费。

    Seller shall pay to Buyer Demurrage incurred at the loading Port in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Party .

  14. 滞期费和延滞损失历来是不定期船业务中最复杂且最容易产生纠纷的一个环节,因而已经有许多详尽且精彩的著作。

    Demurrage and damage for detention have always been one of the most complicated parts of tramp shipping business , causing lots of disputes .

  15. 既然你方没能如期装船,你们就应负担空舱费和滞期费。

    Since you have fail to load the ship on time , the expenses of dead freight and demurrage will be for your account .

  16. 船舶在港口和自港开航港口股东警告称如果危机不能马上解决,航运公司将在蒙巴萨港征收货物滞期费。

    Maritime stakeholders have warned that shipping lines could impose Vessel Delay Surcharges on the Mombasa port , if the congestion crisis is not resolved urgently .

  17. 滞期费(码头租金)。超过指定“免费”期后,由托运人支付占用港口空间的费用。

    DEM Demurrage ( Quay Rent ) . Money paid by the shipper for the occupying port space beyond a specified " Free Time " period .

  18. 滞期费:由非业主责任所造成的装卸货时间超过规定的期限而应付给业主的钱。

    Demurrage : The money payable to the owner for the delay for which the owner is not responsible in loading and / or discharging after the laytime has expired .

  19. 但值得注意的是,出租人常常利用自己专业上的优势,在合同拟订过程中,规定一些有利于出租人的滞期费条款。

    However , it is noteworthy that the ship owner often makes use of their professional advantage to sign the demurrage clause that avails them , when they sign the charter party .

  20. 航次租船合同下与提单有关的滞期费纠纷但保险公司签发保单时所付出的费用或佣金,则未必会计算在内。

    Disputes on demurrage related to bill of lading under voyage charter party ; It may not include any allowance for expenses or commissions in connection with the issuance of the insurance policy .

  21. 在各国海事审判实践中,滞期费一向是航次租船业务所面临的焦点问题。港口拥挤的现状直接导致滞期费争议的频频发生。

    In the practice of maritime justice of various countries , demurrage is always the key problem focus on voyage charter business and the current situation of globe ports congestion directly results in the frequent occurring of demurrage disputes .

  22. d)如承运船如期抵达装运港,卖方因备货未妥而影响装船,则空舱费和滞期费均由卖方承担。

    d. The Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage , should it happen that they have failed to have the commodity ready for loading after the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment on time .

  23. 而本文主要去研究和论述滞期费和延滞损失的若干相关法律问题,并在此基础上总结船东该如何在实务和法律上维护自己的滞期费和延滞损失的权益。

    This Thesis aims to discuss and study on the related legal issues of demurrage and damage for detention , and base on which advice and suggestion will be given to the Ship Owners about how to protect their own interest of demurrage and damage for detention .