
zhì liú
  • retention;detain;be detained;stop;hold-up;be held up;hinder;defer
滞留 [zhì liú]
  • [defer;detain;hinder;stop;be held up;be detained] 停留不动

滞留[zhì liú]
  1. 检查员:很抱歉告诉你,贵船需要滞留于本港训练应急程序。

    Inspector : I am sorry to tell you that your ship should be detained at this port for training contingency procedure .

  2. 否则,反应器中物料将在弯曲处滞留,改变停留时间,影响产品质量。

    Otherwise , the materials in the reactor will be detained in the bend , resulting in change of reaction time and thus the quality of the products .

  3. 她因雾在布鲁塞尔滞留了好几个小时。

    She spent hours fogbound in Brussels .

  4. 因罢工滞留的旅客要耽搁很长时间。

    Strike-bound travellers face long delays .

  5. 人们吸烟的烟雾似乎会长时间滞留在空气中。

    People 's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air .

  6. 机场被迫关闭,造成游客滞留。

    The airport had to be closed , stranding tourists .

  7. 他们正计划转移仍滞留在该国的70名美国官员。

    They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in the country

  8. 其中包括他们会释放的所有超过5毫米的碎片,这些碎片可能会在轨道上滞留25年及以上。

    It includes accounting for any piece of debris they plan to release over 5mm that might stay in orbit for 25 years or more .

  9. 除非可再生能源变得足够便宜,以促使大量的碳矿床长期(如果不能永久)滞留地下,否则地球可能会面临潜在的灾难性气候风险。

    Unless   renewables   become   cheap   enough   that substantial   carbon   deposits   are   left   underground   for   a   very   long   time ,   if   not   forever ,   the planet   will   likely   be   exposed   to   potentially   catastrophic   climate   risks .

  10. 郑州东站160余趟列车停运,造成大量旅客滞留。严重内涝导致郑州路面交通基本瘫痪。

    More than 160 trains stopped services at Zhengzhoudong Railway Station , stranding a large number of passengers .

  11. “里程焦虑”是对于汽车续航不足以到达目的地、和因此导致的车内乘客被滞留的担忧。

    Range anxiety is the fear that a vehicle has insufficient1 range to reach its destination and would thus strand2 the vehicle 's occupants .

  12. 尽管在20世纪80年代,多氯联苯已被禁用,但这种化学物质需要很长时间才会分解,而且会滞留在海洋中,在鲸鱼、海豚和鼠海豚的鲸脂中积聚。

    They were banned in the 1980s , but the chemicals take a long time to break down and can linger in the oceans , accumulating in the blubber of whales , dolphins and porpoises1 .

  13. H∞指标约束下一类工程系统的滞留概率控制

    Residence Probability Control for a Class of Engineering Systems with H ∞ Norm Constraints

  14. 非饱和带核素迁移过程中滞留因子Rd意义的探讨

    Discussion on Signification of Retardation Factor R_d in the Course of Nuclide Migration in Unsaturated Zone

  15. ICEER与ICG15分钟滞留率(ICGR15)呈明显负相关(P<0.001)。

    ICGER was negatively correlated with retention rate of ICG in 15 minutes ( ICGR 15 , P < 0 001 ) .

  16. ~(134)Cs在小鼠睾丸的滞留过程及其诱发精原细胞染色体畸变

    Effect of chromosome aberrations in spermatogonia induced by 134 CS retention in germ cells

  17. 目的:用滞留时间法验证从渗透试验中所得的五种药物的D和Km等参数的可靠性。

    Objective : To evaluate the permeation of five kinds of medicines using lag time method .

  18. 为此,本课题对天然的HA采用了离子交联法和共价键交联法进行了化学修饰,目的是延长HA在体内的滞留时间,并对两种交联方法进行了对比实验研究。

    So natural HA is chemically modified in the study and the methods include ion cross-linking and covalent bond cross-linking .

  19. 谈PSC检查及避免船舶被滞留的措施和做法

    Discuss on PSC and Avoid Detaining by PSC for the Vessels

  20. 小儿法洛四联症根治术后ICU滞留危险因素分析56例法洛四联症根治术的体外循环管理

    Risk factors for prolonged stay in intensive care unit in children with tetralogy of Fallot undergoing corrective surgery

  21. 加强安全管理降低PSC滞留率

    Enhance safety control and reduce PSC detention ratio

  22. 裂片~(147)Pm在肝及胚肝中的滞留诱发肝及胚肝细胞突变效应比较研究

    Comparative retention of fission fragment ~ ( 147 ) pm in regenerated and fetal liver on induction of chromosome aberrations in these cells

  23. 建立了颗粒物料在转筒干燥器内运动的数学模型,推导出了滞留时间的计算公式,用VB语言编制了计算程序。

    On the basis of the mathematical model , the equations of residence time were derived , and it was simulated by VB program .

  24. 讨论了HPAM在储层矿物上的吸附机理和影响吸附(和滞留)的因素。

    The mechanisms involved in and the factors influencing on HPAM adsorption on reservoir minerals are discussed .

  25. PR的Roux-en-Y滞留综合征(RSS)发生率为42.7%。倾倒综合征、返流性食管炎分别为16.7%、26.5%。

    RSS of Roux-en-Y reconstruction was 42.7 % , reflux oesophagitis and dumping were 26.5 % , 16.7 % respectively .

  26. 结果揭示使用了40多年的DDT室内滞留喷洒为主的疟疾媒介控制措施不能完全有效地阻断疟疾传播。

    These results proved that present malaria control mainly by DDT residual spraying can not completely prevent malaria transmission .

  27. CTD浓度为3.2μg/ml时,细胞周期滞留在G2期。

    The cell cycle arrested at G2 / M phase under 3.2 μ g / ml of Cantharidin .

  28. 浓缩铀UO2F2在体内滞留诱发精子畸形效应

    Effect of UO_2F_2 on Retention and Sperm Abnormality In Mice

  29. 以HPLC测定一定时间点接受室中药物浓度,求算累积渗透量及稳态透皮速率,并测定药物在表皮层和真皮层中的滞留量。

    The concentrations of finasteride in receptor compartment at specified time points were determined by HPLC . The steady penetration rate and the quantity of drug accumulated in skin were calculated .

  30. 随SRT越长除磷脱氮SBR中滞留的微生物越多,平均污泥浓度越高。

    With the SRT increase , microorganisms stranded in the denitrifying phosphorus removal SBR increase , the average sludge concentration is higher .