
dōng xùn
  • winter fishing season;winter season
冬汛 [dōng xùn]
  • [winter fishing season] 冬季的捕鱼季节

冬汛[dōng xùn]
  1. 目前实施两个半月的张网休渔后,理论上带鱼将会增加136000t冬汛产量,可纯增收1.6亿元,且翌年能增加7.0亿尾的产卵带鱼。

    Theoretically , 0.136 million tons of hairtail will be increased in the winter fishing season after halting the net-setting for two and half a month , and 0.27 billion of spawning hairtails will be increased next year .

  2. 浙江渔场冬汛带鱼渔获量预报方法的研究

    On the methods of prediction for winter hairtail ( trichiurus haumela forskal ) catches in Zhejiang offshore waters

  3. 冬汛浙江中部渔场环境与带鱼汛期的关系

    The relation on the environment of fishing ground with the occurrence of hairtail in winter off the middle part of Zhejiang