
  • 网络Winter Olympic sports
  1. 该机构委托的一项调查报告发现,从2011年末至2015年8月,“绝大多数”夏季和冬季奥运会项目中,俄罗斯选手的尿样都被动过手脚。

    A Wada-commissioned report found urine samples of Russian competitors were manipulated across the " vast majority " of summer and winter Olympic sports from late 2011 to August 2015 .

  2. 冬季奥运会比赛项目设置变化的研究

    Research on the Diversification of Competition Events Setting on Winter Olympic Games

  3. 本文试对中韩两国都灵冬奥会成绩对比分析,找出差距所在,旨在为我国冬季奥运会优势项目的可持续性发展,提供参考性建议。

    The present paper , by analyzing the results of both China and South Korea in the 2006 Winter Olympic Games , aims to present some suggestions concerning the sustainable development of our strong events .

  4. 花样滑冰是1924年首届冬季奥运会的比赛项目之一。

    Figure skating was one of the events at the very first winter Olympics in1924 .