
qiú lán
  • basket
球篮 [qiú lán]
  • [basket] 篮球运动的球篮,是一个挂在篮圈上的白色无底网兜,长38到46厘米,篮圈直径是46厘米

  1. 你防守那球篮像是防守你的女朋友一样。

    You guarded that basket like your girlfriend .

  2. 我阻断了防守然后跑到球篮下卢克把球传给我我投篮几乎进了

    I set a pick and then rolled towards the basket . Luke passed to me . I shot the ball and almost made it .

  3. 他把球投进了球篮!

    He puts the ball in the net !

  4. 球篮两个升高的球篮之一,每个由一金属环上挂有一个无底的圆网组成

    " Either of the two elevated goals , each consisting of a metal hoop from which an open-bottomed circular net is suspended . "

  5. 渐增篮高进行投篮教学,就是有计划、有步骤地逐渐增加球篮高度进行投篮技术教学。

    The method of teaching shoot by increase height of basket progressively means we teaching shoot from a low level of basket height to the standard level .

  6. 持球者常常会在试图冲向球篮时施展无数花哨的动作,其中包括胯下运球、步和其它过人技巧。

    The ball handler will often perform numerous flashy moves while attempting to drive to the basket , including crossovers , jab steps and other fake-out tricks .

  7. 在上半场的休息时间快结束时,两队的教练员请求在下半场继续进攻上半场的球篮位置。

    Near the end of the halftime interval of play , both coaches request that they be permitted to continue attacking the same basket they attacked during the first two periods .