
quán jī shǒu tào
  • boxing glove;leather
  1. 拳击手套:拳击时戴的一种垫得很厚的皮革连指手套。

    Boxing glove : a heavily padded leather mitten worn for boxing .

  2. 练习时不要戴拳击手套;使用UFC式的分指手套,这样你可以与教练扭打。

    Don 't practice with boxing gloves ; use UFC type open-palm gloves so you can grapple with your trainer .

  3. 在漫威的漫画书《英雄内战II:选边站队》第五期的封面上,特鲁多手戴红色拳击手套,身穿中间印有红枫叶图案的背心,面带微笑,身旁围绕着几位加拿大漫画英雄。

    Wearing red boxing gloves and a sleeveless top with a red maple in the middle , Trudeau is surrounded by several Canadian comic heroes and smiling on the cover of Issue 5 of Marvel 's " Civil War II : Choosing Sides " comic book .

  4. 甚至连法官都想让你把拳击手套留下来。

    Even the judge wanted you to keep those boxing gloves .

  5. 因此,我们把我们的拳击手套,并摆动。

    So we put on our boxing gloves and come swinging .

  6. 我们提供生产拳击手套,您的标志和标签。

    We offer to produce boxing gloves with your logo and label .

  7. 两个斗士手上戴上拳击手套。

    Two fighters wear boxing gloves on their hands .

  8. 由那位著名拳击手亲笔签名的拳击手套正在展出。

    On display were boxing gloves which bore the famous boxer 's signature .

  9. 进口产品:皮手套,拳击手套,礼帽,针织外套。

    Product : leather gloves & mittens , Hat caps , knit outerwear .

  10. “咱们用咱们的拳击手套玩了‘藏了找’的游戏,”小猫们解释。

    " We were playing hide-and-seek with our mittens ," explained the kittens .

  11. 所以每个人一起看了看,但是他们没有发现小猫的拳击手套。

    So everyone looked , but they didn 't find the kitten 's mittens .

  12. 有身着职业装的女性莫名其妙地戴着一副红色拳击手套;

    the woman in business suit inexplicably wearing a pair of red boxing gloves ;

  13. 他有一双拳击手套。

    He has a pair of boxing-glovers .

  14. 也许他看见了你们的拳击手套。

    Maybe he has seen your mittens .

  15. 现在让我们来找你的拳击手套。

    Now let 's find your mittens .

  16. 当一个戴着拳击手套的人靠近你时,你会下意识地躲闪。

    WHEN the man approaching you is wearing boxing gloves , it makes sense to duck .

  17. 不幸的是,就像看一个三年级的线程通过他的冬季夹克袖子他的拳击手套。

    Unfortunately , it was like watching a third-grader thread his mittens through his winter jacket sleeves .

  18. 明显地以拳击手套的手指关节(前部)分击中对手时给记分。小孩棉毛绸连指手套

    Points are awarded for clean hits with the knuckle part of the glove . child 's cotton poplin mittens

  19. 本人抓我的头当我看到这一个家,显示黄色的双拳击手套。

    I scratched my head when I saw this one showing Amber Chia with a pair of boxing gloves .

  20. 假如你们帮助我数我的蛋,然后我就能够帮助你们找到你们的拳击手套,皮特告诉他们。

    If you help me count my eggs , then I can help you find your mittens , Peter told them .

  21. 直到1860年昆斯伯里侯爵制定出第一套规则才使用拳击手套。

    The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules .

  22. 这个孩子太喜欢这款内裤了,他爸爸后来还给他制作了西瓜帽和西瓜拳击手套。

    Infact , the youngster loved the underpants so much that his dad later madehim a watermelon hat and watermelon boxing gloves .

  23. 你会发现所有的水分吸收,由棉质手套,和您的拳击手套将不会在所有的味道。

    You 'll find that all the moisture is absorbed by the cotton gloves , and your boxing gloves won 't smell at all .

  24. 也许由于这个原因,我们的父亲给我们买了拳击手套,并在地窑里装上了拳球和拳垫。

    It was perhaps for this reason that our father bought us boxing gloves and installed a punching bag and mat in the cellar .

  25. 这些想法不像可爱的毛茸茸的带着羊毛拳击手套的带着笑脸的大黄蜂,而是笨拙的、失去方向的,不知道要去哪儿的大黄蜂。

    Except these thoughts aren 't cute fuzzy little bumblebees with wooly mittens and happy faces , these are awkward , disoriented hornets that aren 't sure where to go or how to get there .

  26. 由于同样的愿望,菲德先生还收藏了一支美丽的、弓形的、旧的小三键喇叭,一副棋盘和棋子,一本西班牙语语法,一套素描用的材料,一双拳击手套。

    Mr Feeder had amassed , with similar intentions , a beautiful little curly secondhand key-bugle , a chess-board and men , a Spanish Grammar , a set of sketching materials , and a pair of boxing-gloves .