
  1. 多年的厌恶之情终于爆发,双方拳脚相加。

    Years of dislike boiled over and blows were exchanged .

  2. 不再像当年了那般对我拳脚相加了吧?

    Not so easy to beat me anymore , is it ?

  3. 雇人对她拳脚相加?

    You pay extra to smack her in the head ?

  4. 他同时还称,在他幼年时,他的父亲曾对他拳脚相加。

    He also said that his father physically abused him as a child .

  5. 警方到达片场时也遭到两人拳脚相加。袭击者没有携带武器。

    When police arrived at the site of the filming , they too were attacked and punched by the men , who did not carry weapons .

  6. 达力为什么想要一辆赛车,这对于哈利来说,是一个谜,因为达力胖乎乎的,而且讨厌锻炼。当然,除非这种锻炼包括拳脚相加。

    Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to Harry , as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise & unless of course it involved punching somebody .

  7. 为了驱除kindoki的鬼怪,在2010年十二月,他在被妹妹及妹妹的男朋友使用大量武器,包括电灯泡,地板瓷砖,刀子及拳脚相加折磨五天后死去。

    Attempting to exorcise the boy of kindoki , his sister and her boyfriend tortured him to death over five days in December 2010 using an array of weapons , including light bulbs , floor tiles , knives and pliers .

  8. 这一角色是上世纪70年代典型的老板形象:工人阶级,态度恶劣,文件柜里总是摆着一瓶廉价威士忌。他将女性称为“短裙”,对下级警官威逼恐吓且拳脚相加。

    The character is the typical boss figure of the 1970s : working-class , with a bottle of cheap scotch in his filing cabinet and a bad attitude . Women are referred to as " skirts " and lower-ranking officers are there to be kicked and browbeaten .