
quán jī shǒu
  • boxer;fighter;pugilist
  1. 身为拳击手,他的脚步总是十分轻盈。

    As a boxer , he was always light on his feet .

  2. 拳击手向对手猛击。

    The boxer jabbed at his opponent .

  3. 两个拳击手赛前量的体重都比规定限度少几磅。

    Both boxers weighed in at several pounds below the limit .

  4. 这个俱乐部是年轻拳击手的摇篮。

    The club is the proving ground for young boxers .

  5. 他比其他拳击手出拳花样多。

    He has more punches in his arsenal than other boxers .

  6. 他确实是战后英国最优秀的拳击手之一。

    He really was one of the finest boxers in post-war Britain .

  7. 这两位拳击手之前已经打了一场12回合的比赛。

    The two fighters had previously boxed a 12-round match .

  8. 我从没见过更笨拙、动作更不协调的拳击手。

    I 'd never seen a clumsier , less coordinated boxer

  9. 许多职业拳击手结束运动生涯时都已受到了脑损伤。

    Many professional boxers end their careers with brain damage .

  10. 道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛中发挥不太稳定。

    Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter , erratic in his previous fights .

  11. 他的动作带着一种训练有素的拳击手的风采。

    He moved with the grace of a trained boxer

  12. 他到达采访地点不过5分钟,我就摒弃了自己对拳击手的那些成见。

    Five minutes after he had arrived for the interview , I had abandoned my preconceived ideas about boxers

  13. 几个小时后,世界最著名的拳击手之一将开始其在英国的首场比赛。

    In a few hours ' time one of the world 's most famous boxers will be fighting in Britain for the first time

  14. 这位拳击手击败了他的对手。

    The boxer beat his rival .

  15. 那位拳击手看准了机会,猛击对手的下颚。

    The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent 's jaw .

  16. 这两名拳击手将在主要比赛中较量。

    These two boxers will appear in the main bouts .

  17. 两名拳击手争斗到了最后铃响。

    The two boxers battled until the final bell .

  18. 现在那老拳击手一拳向对方的身体反击过去。

    And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body .

  19. 这位拳击手经受得住狠打。

    The boxer is a bear for punishment .

  20. 那位拳击手击败了他的对手。

    The boxer cleaned up on his opponent .

  21. 拳击手轻快地绕着拳击台跳动。

    The boxer danced around the ring .

  22. 那个拳击手击拳犯规。

    The boxer did not box fairly .

  23. 那两个拳击手在赛台角落里扭在一起了。

    The fighters clinched in the corner .

  24. 仅剩下两局了,两位拳击手决心打到底。

    With only two rounds to go , both boxers were determined to fight to the death .

  25. 人们通常会采取一种军国主义般的“强硬”态度来对待复原力和决心,就像一个海军陆战队战士在泥地里跋涉前行、一个拳击手再战一回合或者是一个足球运动员从地上爬起来再踢一场比赛。

    We often take a militaristic , " tough " approach to resilience and determination like a Marine pulling himself through the mud , a boxer going one more round , or a football player picking himself up off the ground for one more play .

  26. 这个拳击手朝他对手的鼻子上猛击一拳。

    The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose .

  27. 当地报纸把那个候选人描绘成一个拳击手。

    The local newspapers dressed up the candidate as a boxer .

  28. 他像拳击手一样踮着脚轻盈移动。

    He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer .

  29. 两名拳击手最后决出了胜负

    The boxers slugged it out to the finish .

  30. 在输掉上一场搏斗之后,这名拳击手决定为赢得下场比赛练得更壮实一点。

    After losing her last fight , the boxer1 decided2 to try and bulk up for her next match .