
shuānɡ miàn jiàn dié
  • double agent
  1. 你被派到sd-6那去找双面间谍。

    You 've been sent to sd-6to find a mole .

  2. 就像曾是英国间谍,后来又成为苏联双面间谍的乔治布莱克(GeorgeBlake)在其自传中指出的那样:“大多数人对你的观点或者你要说什么并不是特别感兴趣,但却非常喜欢表达自己的观点和讲述他们自己的故事。”

    As the British-spy-turned-Soviet-double-agent George Blake points out in his autobiography , " Most people are not particularly interested in your opinions or what you have to say , but very interested in voicing their own opinions and telling their own story . "

  3. 假设她一直都是双面间谍。

    Let 's say she had been the mole .

  4. 副局长是双面间谍?

    The deputy chief is a double agent ?

  5. 迈克尔是个很出色的双面间谍

    Michael is a way better double agent

  6. 当年开播的其他美剧《双面女间谍》(Alias)、《实习医生风云》(Scrubs)和《六尺之下》(SixFeetUnder)都已在多年前收官。

    Other shows debuting that year included ' Alias , ' ' Scrubs ' and ' Six Feet Under ' - all of which ended years ago .

  7. 此前的电视剧《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》(BuffytheVampireSlayer)和《双面女间谍》(Alias)尝试过动作女英雄的形象,但是都在很大程度上回避了一些过于勇猛的描写。

    TV has experimented with action heroines in the past with shows like'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'and'Alias , 'but those shows largely avoided anything too gritty .

  8. 届时,这位曾经的“双面女间谍”将获此殊荣。这次盛会还将向获奖的其他12名女性颁奖,其中包括诺贝尔奖得主、长篇小说家托妮•莫里森和高尔夫球运动员罗瑞娜•奥乔亚。

    Nobel-prize winning novelist Toni Morrison and golfer Lorena Ochoa are among 12 other women who will also be celebrated at the glamorous event .

  9. 从穿着裙子的贾斯汀·比伯到出演《双面女间谍》的詹妮弗·加纳,网上的粉丝似乎觉得贝尔玩偶跟谁都有相似之处,除了沃森。

    From Justin Bieber in a dress to Jennifer Garner in " Alias , " online fans seem to think the Belle doll bears a resemblance to anyone but the British actress .