
shuānɡ jié ɡùn
  • nunchakus
  1. 你想知道武视双节棍到底有多炫、多时尚吗?

    Do you want to know what a fashionable sport Nunchakus is ?

  2. 两节棍,造型与双节棍有些相同,但比双节棍要长很多,威力也打很多。

    Two-section staff is somewhat the same as nunchakus , but it is longer with more power .

  3. 1987年,荷兰双节棍基地(SNN)成立了。

    In1987 the Dutch Nunchaku Foundation ( SNN , Stichting Nunchaku Nederland ) was founded .

  4. 它们是棍、矛、斧和双节棍。

    They are sticks , spears , axes and nunchukus .

  5. 多米诺,多米诺,别再耍双节棍了。

    Domino , domino , give the goddamn numchucks a rest already .

  6. 各地培训双节棍教练员,组织武术大赛,如火如荼。

    Instructors were trained and big tournaments were organized .

  7. 有了这种安全双节棍,组织双节棍比赛便有了可能。

    It now became possible to realize nunchaku matches from man to man .

  8. 我可以想象双节棍,忍者烟雾或者拉人头发,但没想到他会掏枪。

    I saw nunchucks , ninja smoke , maybe some hairpulling , but not a gun .

  9. 我有双节棍双节棍!

    I have Bi-Bi-stick stick !

  10. 选手必须让双节棍始终处于运动中,并且要使用在自己等级水平的技法。

    The fighters must keep their nunchakus moving at all times , and maintain a level of variation in their techniques .

  11. 我们也猜测,如果他必须选一个最喜欢的忍者神龟,他会选“米开朗基罗”(译注:其武器是双节棍)。

    We 're also guessing that if he had to pick a favorite Ninja Turtle , he 'd go with Michelangelo .

  12. 他最喜欢的事是课余时间玩双节棍,他想以双节棍来表现中国的文化。

    His favorite past-time is to practice the Nunchaku , through which he hopes to express a different perspective on Chinese culture .

  13. 李小龙在片中的大无畏精神和惊人的打斗技巧,特别是他表演中的“李三脚”和“地躺拳”和“双节棍”,令人赞不绝口。

    He soon followed up with Fist of Fury , in which his fearless and stunning fighting skills , especially his mastery of Lisanjiao , Ditangquan , and nunchaku catapulted him to stardom .

  14. 李小龙是个多面手,除了精通各种拳术外,还擅长长棍、短棍和双节棍等各种器械,并研习气功和硬功。

    Bruce Lee was versatile : In addition to his proficiency in all kinds of Kuen ( fist ) martial arts , long stick , short stick , and nunchaku , he also studied Qigong and Yinggong .

  15. 本文通过查阅相关文献资料,对双节棍的名称和起源进行科学理论的证明,让更多双节棍爱好者对双节棍的历史文化有进一步的认识。

    This paper , by consulting relevant literature material , give a scientific theory for the name and the origin of Nunchakus , let more Nunchakus lovers have a further understanding of the history and culture of Nunchakus .

  16. 然而,武术申奥活动,也缓和了有关中国武术未来的一些紧迫问题。中国有数百种武术流派和类型,有徒手格斗,也有使用从战斧到双节棍等各种武器的。

    Yet the Olympic campaign also throws into relief pressing questions about the future of Chinese martial arts , a constellation of hundreds of schools and styles teaching bare-hand combat and the use of weapons ranging from battle axes to chain-linked staves .

  17. 在他的牢房里,波拉德用床单和椅子做了一套双节棍,并用它成功打倒十几个警卫,翻过栅栏逃跑了。

    In his cell , Pollard made a set of nunchucks out of a bed sheet and a chair . Then , using his makeshift nunchucks , he managed to fight off about a dozen guards , scaled a fence , and escaped .

  18. 周董表示,这首富有中国曲风的嘻哈歌曲是撷取自他之前「龙拳」、「双节棍」等歌曲的精华,对于能为自己的偶像演唱主题曲,周董觉得很开心也很荣幸。

    Jay expressed , this song has a eastern hip hop feel and is influenced by his classics like " long quan " and " shuang Jie gun . " as regards to having the chance to perform a song for his idol , Jay feels very honoured and happy .