
gùn shù
  • cudgel play;stick acrobatic play
棍术 [gùn shù]
  • [stick acrobatic play] 器械武术之一,用棍表演的武术套路的总称

棍术[gùn shù]
  1. 安琪艾可科技文化传媒诚邀中国国家一级运动员王聪,为喜欢棍术的您,亲自演练编排棍术教程。

    Angell Echo Technology and Culture Media Company invites state first-class athlete Wang Cong to give you , cudgel play lovers , a professional cudgel play training .

  2. 葡萄牙有一种古老的武术叫做“JogodoPau”(葡萄牙棍术),过去是用来自卫或两个男子为女子决斗的方法。

    The country has an ancient martial art known as " Jogo do Pau " ( Portuguese Stick Fencing ), used for self-protection and for duels between young men in disputes over young women .

  3. 如长拳、太极拳、南拳、剑术、刀术、枪术、棍术等。

    If Changquan , Taijiquan , Nanquan , sword , knife , spear , cudgel and so on .

  4. 常习练此棍术,可以增强臂腕之力:增强全身之整劲的收放自如程度。

    If practicing frequently , one can increase the power of arm and wrist , and use its own strength freely .

  5. 结果表明:棍术旋子转体720°这个动作受伤部位主要是以膝节、髋关节、腰部、踝关节为主;

    The result shows : 720 degrees of this movement injuries mainly take its knee festival , hip joint , waist , ankle joint .

  6. 优秀女子套路运动员刀棍技能水平的现状研究&兼对十运会预决赛刀术棍术评分内容的相关分析

    Research on the skill level of sword and stick for elite female routine athletes & Brief analysis on score judging system in the 10th National Sports Games

  7. 他又走出花园,逼得朝后退出去,运用棍术教师们所谓“盖蔷薇”的那种棍法去招架那条恶狗。

    He left the garden in the same manner , but backwards , being obliged , in order to keep the dog respectful , to have recourse to that manoeuvre with his stick which masters in that sort of fencing designate as La Rose couverte .
