
yǎn xiàn
  • eyeliner;police informer;police informer leading to culprit's hide-out
眼线 [yǎn xiàn]
  • [police informer] 暗中侦察情况、担任引导的人

  • 倘若花些钱,购了眼线,将人捉住,还算不幸中的万幸。--《施公案》

眼线[yǎn xiàn]
  1. 那个眼线已把所有情况都告诉了警察。

    The grass has tipped off everything to the police .

  2. M.A.C资深彩妆师约翰·斯特普尔顿称:“就算是男性也有他们自己的眼线笔,唤作”guyliner“。

    Even guys had their own name for eyeliner , called " guyliner , " said M.A.C senior makeup artist John Stapleton .

  3. 日本男性用淡妆让自己看上去清新自然,韩国男性则大胆通过男用眼线液或粉底霜打造精致优雅的面庞。

    While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look , South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face .

  4. 方法:高血压模型组18只,术前及术后每间隔2个月测量鼠尾血压并行MRI扫描,采用自制木板固定麻醉后的大鼠,用眼线圈对鼠脑进行MRI扫描。

    Methods 18 adult SD rats , Before and after operation , we measured the blood pressure of the tail artery and performed MRI scan every two months .

  5. 我会用黑色眼线膏沾满我的SOHO斜角刷,然后当然,画我的眼线!

    Im gonna load up my SOHO angled brush with my black eyeliner , and of course , line my eyes !

  6. 一旦录像增多,她在这大楼里就有眼线了,Samaritan可看不到。

    Once the feeds populate , she 'll have eyes in the building , but Samaritan will be blind .

  7. 走吧我路上还要去趟Walgreens再买一点眼线膏。

    Come on , I want to stop at Walgreens and pick up some more eyeliner .

  8. 就绝大部分化妆品而言,这确实是真的,YVES遮瑕膏和香奈儿眼线膏都是她最喜欢的。

    And for the most part that is true , with YVES concealer and Chanel eyeliner topping her list of favourites .

  9. “她说。奇妙的是MAC排名前三的畅销化妆品都是黑色眼线。”我们会为晚妆花上飞翘的眼线,以及为手指和脚趾涂上亮丽的颜色。

    Little wonder MAC 's three bestselling cosmetics are black eyeliners . " We 're doing winged liner for evening and a lot of neon and bright pops of colour on fingers and toes , " Khan continues .

  10. 要像雷切尔Lefevre做的那样适当,先用黑色眼线笔画眼线,之后用蓝色眼线笔。

    To get it right like Rachelle Lefevre did here , first line your eyes with black pencil followed by a bright blue pencil .

  11. 他知道自己身后有Kira的眼线,监视着他所做的一切并向江户汇报,所以他必须全身心地投入到这个新角色中,不管这会给他带来什么耻辱。

    He knew he had Kira 's spies on his tail , watching everything he did and reporting back to Edo so he had to dedicate himself completely to this new role , regardless of the shame it brought upon him .

  12. 她知道泪水会让眼线晕开。

    She knows that tears can make a mess of it .

  13. 多米尼克在里面有眼线?

    So Dominic 's got one on the inside , huh ?

  14. 我姐姐真是一个变色眼线的达人。

    My sister is such a pro with the eyeliner swoosh .

  15. 在外部眼角将眼线加粗。

    Make the line thicker as you reach the outer eyelid 。

  16. 迈克尔的眼线、唇线和眉毛都是纹上去的,永不褪色。(某兔评:难道这就是懒人的做法&一劳永逸?)

    Michael had eyeliner , lips and eyebrows permanently tattooed .

  17. 我需要多上一点眼线和口红。

    NO08,3 . I need to apply some more eyeliner and lipstick .

  18. 但是在现场却没有发现眼线笔。

    Yet no Eyeliner was found at the crime scene .

  19. “控他是一个拿破仑党的眼线!”

    " With being an agent of the Bonapartist faction !"

  20. 这个定义不仅包括口红,腮红,和眼线膏。

    This definition includes more than just lipstick , blush and eyeliner .

  21. 我带着液体眼线膏就不让我上课。这已经够糟了。

    Bad enoughI can 't board first class with my liquid eyeliner .

  22. 然后下眼线也同样做。

    Then do the same to the lower lash line .

  23. 而你就是我的眼线之一。

    And you , you 're one of those walls .

  24. 这种眼线很多都是把自己卖给价钱出得最高的人的。

    Many of these pimps are on sale to the highest bidder .

  25. 我把她派到你们身边当我的眼线。

    We sent her to keep an eye on you .

  26. 我在董事会有眼线

    I had a mole on the board of directors .

  27. 城里都是我们的眼线,我们会找到他的。

    We got deformants all over the city . we 'll find him .

  28. 敌人有很多眼线

    The enemy has many spies in his service :

  29. 今天早上,我老婆搽了眼影,画了眼线,抹了睫毛膏。

    This morning my wife put on eye shadow , eyeliner and eyelashes .

  30. 没准哪儿又有眼线.让他们看着吧.

    There 's no telling who has eyes where . Let them look .