
yǎn yào shuǐ
  • eye drops;eyewash;eyewater
  1. 医生为我开了一剂消除眼部感染的眼药水。

    The doctor prescribed an eyewash to clear up my eye infection .

  2. “橡胶手套,清洁毛巾,镜子,厕纸,眼药水。”

    rubber gloves , sanitary towels , mirror , toilet paper , eyewash .

  3. 方法使用大扶康注射液原液点眼及结膜下注射,02%二性霉素B眼药水点眼。

    Method Topical fluconazole and 0 2 % amphotericin B were used to 26 eyes .

  4. 方法角膜病灶切除后覆盖用0.2%二性霉素B眼药水浸泡过的治疗软镜,每3天取下治疗软镜清洁消毒1次。

    Methods After removed the focus of the fungal corneal ulcer , the corneal was covered the soft lenses soaked with 0.2 % Amphotericin B.The soft lenses were removed for cleaning and disinfecting every three days .

  5. 目的研究表皮生长因子(EGF)眼药水的急性、长期毒性及其他副作用。

    Objective To apply for a new medicine certificate , the experiments of acute , long toxicity and side effects of EGF eye medicine liquid were investigated in animals .

  6. 方法按《新药毒理学研究指导原则》的要求和方法进行动物实验。结果经全身或局部,短期或长期用药观察,均未发现EGF眼药水的毒性和其他副作用。

    Methods All of examinations were done according to the instructions of Requirements of the Toxicity Study of New Medicine Results No toxicity or side-effect of EGF eye medicine liquid given by iv , ip , sc or eye-drop were been found .

  7. 复方熊胆眼药水对实验性兔角膜白斑的疗效观察

    Effect of Compound Bear Gall Eyedrops on Keratoleukoma of Experimental Rabbits

  8. 我想那是提醒你到点滴眼药水了。

    I think that means it 's time for your drops .

  9. 复方樟柳碱联合托品卡胺眼药水治疗调节痉挛

    Treatment of Spasm of Accommodation with Compound Anisodine Injection and Tropicamide

  10. 必要情况下也可使用眼药水。

    People are also recommended to use eye drops if necessary .

  11. 复方牛磺酸眼药水消炎作用研究

    Effects of Compound Taurine Eye Drops on Ocular Inflammation in Rabbits

  12. 更因其具有良好的扩散性,曾被添加于眼药水中。

    It was also added to eye-drops for its dilating effects .

  13. 我现在要往你的眼睛里滴一些眼药水。

    I 'm going to put some drops into your eyes .

  14. 眼药水,来,免费的。

    DR. BURKE : Drops . Here , they 're free .

  15. 生物钟眼药水的临床应用

    A study on clinical application of bioclock medicine for myopia

  16. 盐酸钩吻碱眼药水散瞳与调节麻痹作用的临床观察

    A clinical study on effects of gelsemium hydrochloride on mydriasis and cycloplegia

  17. 高压液相色谱法测定6β-乙酰氧基去甲茛菪烷眼药水含量

    High-performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of 6 β - Acetoxy Nortropane Eye Drops

  18. 那些你给我的眼药水该死的没用。

    Those eyedrops you gave me didn 't do shit .

  19. 这儿怎么就没有眼药水呢?

    How can there not be eyedrops in this place ?

  20. 氯霉素眼药水滴鼻可治慢性咽炎

    Chloromycetin Eye drops may Cure Chronic Pharyngitis by Nasal Dripping

  21. 来吧,到上眼药水的时间了。

    Come on , you know it 's time for the drops .

  22. 他往眼睛里滴了几滴眼药水。

    He dripped a few eye drops into his eyes .

  23. 药剂师会给您眼药水和眼药膏。

    The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment .

  24. 她错把洗头水当成眼药水上到眼睛里了。

    She sprayed hairspray in her eye by mistake .

  25. 我怎样使用这些眼药水和眼药膏呢?

    How do I use these eye-drops and ointment ?

  26. 这种眼药水对治疗结膜炎很有效。

    These eyedrops are very effective in treating conjunctivitis .

  27. 表皮生长因子眼药水的毒理学研究

    Toxicity Study of Epidermal Growth Factor Eye Medicine Liquid

  28. 0.25%托吡卡胺眼药水治疗青少年真、假近视疗效观察

    Observation on the treatment of myopia or accommodative myopia with 0.25 % tropicamide

  29. 内障清眼药水单眼球结膜下注射对老年性白内障的疗法

    Effect of Uniocular Subconjunctival Injection with " Nei Zhang Qing " on Senile Cataract

  30. 他会用滴眼药水的管子去喂它

    and he fed it with an eyedropper .