
  • 网络Operation Cobra
  1. 我觉得我们应该暂时停止眼镜蛇行动

    I think we should stop Cobra stuff for a while .

  2. 你是在为眼镜蛇行动做秘密调查吗

    You 're undercover aren 't you for Operation Cobra ?

  3. “眼镜蛇行动”不就是这样嘛

    Isn 't that what Operation Cobra was all about ?

  4. 第一步确认身份我管它叫“眼镜蛇行动”

    Step one identification . I call it Operation Cobra .

  5. 我不该放弃眼镜蛇行动的

    I shouldn 't have given up on Operation Cobra .

  6. 你听到他说的了眼镜蛇行动有任务

    You heard the kid . Operation Cobra calls .

  7. 或许这意味着我们的好运要来了“眼镜蛇行动”再度启动。

    Maybe it means our luck is changing . Operation Cobra is back on .

  8. 你在邀请盖比特加入眼镜蛇行动吗

    Are you recruiting Geppetto for Operation Cobra ?

  9. 对不起孩子我退出眼镜蛇行动

    I 'm sorry , kid , but I 'm out of Operation Cobra .

  10. 眼镜蛇行动随时待命

    Operation Cobra is always ready .

  11. 别闹了亨利我知道你想通过眼镜蛇行动解决一切这是可行的但有时候现实世界更重要

    Come on , Henry . I know you want to think the answer to everything is in Operation Cobra . It is ! But sometimes the real world needs to come first .