
  1. 论夏衍现实主义戏剧观的主要特征

    The Main Characteristics of Realistic Drama in View of Xia Yan

  2. 夏衍电影改编理论的历史境遇与现实意义

    Historical conditions and realistic significance of XIA Yan 's film adaptation theory

  3. 论夏衍电影对现代小说名著的改编

    On the Adaptation of the Modern Works in Xia Yan 's Films

  4. 论夏衍戏剧的语言特色

    The Linguistic Features of Xia Yan 's Drama

  5. 夏衍:现代革命文坛的巨匠&纪念夏衍105周年诞辰

    Xia Yan , Giant of Modern Revolutionary Literature

  6. 强烈的艺术激情、生动的形象性和深刻的哲理性构成夏衍戏剧语言的特色。

    His drama language can be characterised by strong artistic passionateness , vividness and philosophicalness .

  7. 夏衍是现代著名的剧作家。

    Xia Yan is a modern playwright .

  8. 戏剧语言是戏剧的生命。夏衍的剧作,在中国现代戏剧文学中独树一帜。

    Xia Yan 's drama distinguishes itself as a unique part of modern Chinese drama literature .

  9. 夏衍善于通过对小人物命运的刻划来反映社会生活。

    The dramatist is good at reflecting social life through a portrayal of minor characters ' fate .

  10. 张爱玲、无名氏、夏衍、侣伦等人用自己对异族、他者形象的塑造,为中国文学如何从自己民族的传统出发去接纳人类普遍性价值,留下了久远的思考。

    And they remained a permanent thinking on how to accept human common value from their native tradition for Chinese literature .

  11. 同时,夏衍有关人性本质的揭示并非静态的,而是具有与时代主潮紧密相联的实践品格。

    Xia Yan 's exploration of the human nature is not static but a with dynamic practical character of the main stream of his time .

  12. 作为左翼文学的执守者,夏衍文学思想的核心就是强调文学为政治、为革命斗争服务。

    As a devoted guard of the Left Wing literature , Xia Yan sticks to the idea that literature should be for the sake of political and revolutionary struggle .

  13. 通过对夏衍20世纪30-40年代话剧创作历程的详细剖析,文章不仅揭示了夏衍剧作发展的内在逻辑,而且对于这一时期中国文艺发展的具体情状作出阐述。

    This article , by close analysis , reveals the innate logic of the development of his works , and explains the specific situation of the development of Chinese literature and art in that period .

  14. 如果说夏衍受外国戏剧的影响是自觉的追求,那么,民族戏曲对夏衍剧作的渗透则是自然形成、潜移默化的,是无形地融化在其血脉中的。

    If we say that the influence of foreign dramas upon Xia Yan was a kind of conscious pursuit , then the permeation of Chinese traditional operas in his works could be considered to be natural formation or a kind of unconscious influence .

  15. 蚯蚓眼是夏衍于1946年在上海《世界晨报》上开辟的杂感专栏,文章多短小精悍,有些甚至只是标题性的,信息十分丰富,但其样态与我们所习见的文艺性杂文有许多差异。

    Earthworm 's Eye is an essay column in the World Morning Paper run by Xia Yan in Shanghai in 1946 . The essays published in the column are mostly short and pithy , and some of them are like news headlines but quite informative .

  16. 丰子恺生活在传统向现代过渡的特定历史时期,他受到传统与现代的双重影响。主要是以夏衍的创作为论述的基础,以说明夏衍创作中受到契诃夫、高尔基双重影响及其相互关系。

    Because of living the period of particular transitional history from traditional ages to modem times , he was influenced by traditional culture as well as modern culture . The analysis is mainly based upon Xia Yan 's play writing since he was influenced both by Chekhov and by Gorky .

  17. 该电影由许幸之执导,剧本作者为夏衍。电影讲述的是青年诗人辛白华与朋友梁质夫从东北流亡到了上海,而当梁质夫很快加入到抗击日本侵略的战争时,辛白华却选择追求刚刚离婚、富有魅力的施夫人。

    Children of Trouble Times tells about an intellectual , the young poet Xin Baihua , who fled Shanghai from the northeast with his friend Liang Zhi-fu . However , whereas Liang soon joined the resistance against the Japanese invasion , Xin chose to pursue a relationship with a glamorous woman , Ms. Shi who just divorced .